Chapter 22

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Just as I was going to open my mouth, Tristan bet me to it.

His brown eyes locked with mine as he brought his hand up and tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear.

He wasn't smiling anymore and I tried not to let my disappointment show.

"Tomorrow, I want to make you an official member of this Pack," he spoke, his voice deep and husky. His eyes darkened as he glanced at me.

"I want to make you Luna of this Pack."


I want to make you Luna of this Pack, I want to make you Luna of this Pack, is what keeping repeating in my head like a broken record.

I let out a nervous laugh and waved my hand in the air.

"Uhh... Shouldn't I like... get to know the Pack a bit better?" I questioned, looking at Tristan as he assessed me with steady eyes.

"I mean, I'm practically a stranger to everyone. I don't know them, they don't know me... seem's like I need some bonding time with them," I trailed off in thought.

It's not that I didn't want to become Luna -because I did- it's just I haven't even spent a single second with the Pack other than when I first met them, and when I met Jay and Noah.

I know for a fact that this Pack wasn't a ray of sunshine and that they were very unwelcoming to strangers.

And as stupid as it sounds, I just don't think its right me being their Luna if they don't even know me. Regardless of me being their Alpha's mate.

"I'm even certain they don't like me," I announced and watched as Tristan sat down at the edge of the bed.

His long legs parted and I jumped in surprise as his big hands grasped the back of my thighs and pulled me to him so I was standing in the space between his legs.

Tristan's ruggedly handsome face stared up at me and I placed my hands on his strong shoulders.

"They do like you, they're just not use to strangers." Long fingers danced along the skin of my thighs and I felt myself losing focus.

I frowned and began to fiddle with the hair at the nape of Tristan's neck.

I laughed internally. They liked me.

"I'm almost nineteen, Tristan. I'm still a child in most of their eyes, I hardly believe they will look up to me and follow my orders," I muttered and realised this is the first time I've told my age to Tristan.

"Wait, how old are you?" I asked, my eyes locking with his. His tall large frame was so close to mine and I could literally feel the heat radiating off his tan skin.

"Twenty-four," he answered in that deep smooth voice that made my legs weak. He looked up at me and I felt his grip tighten on me.

My brain went dead at my next thought. If Tristan wanted to make me Luna tomorrow, then that would mean that we would have to mate...tomorrow.

Oh my freaking god, mother of Jesus! My palms started sweating and it suddenly felt like my lungs had been squashed like a fly against a wall.

Well fudge me, I was going to be getting down and dirty with my monstrous mate.

The thought excited me beyond words yet it made with burst with nerves. What the hell do I do when we do it? What did I expect to happen? What if he was too big for me? Judging from the size of him when I had seen him on numerous occasions, I knew he was no pea.

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