Chapter 12

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I was a bundle of nerves as I rounded a corner, a white house infront of me coming into view. I gazed at the remarkable building, smiling slightly as I remembered all the great times I have encounted in that house. Jake's house.

Jake and I had been friends for as long as I can remember. My father and Jake's father, Joe our third in command, have been friends for many years. I still remember the first time I was introduced to Jake. I was so nervous and thought he was so cute. I chuckled lightly under my breath as I walked up the little path leading to Jake's house. That memory had seemed like forever ago.

I stopped infront of the wooden door, swallowing nervously. I wiped my clammy palms on my shorts and reminded myself as to why I was here. I am here to confront Jake as to why he is acting so weird and question him on his odd behaviour when Tristan first arrived. I frowned, he really was acting strange. I took a deep breath and lifted my hand to the door. I knocked three times before taking a step back.

I twiddled with my hands as I waited for someone to come. A few moments later, I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I combed a hand through my hair, and watched as the door swung open. I looked up at the dark haired beauty, realising I haven't seen her in a while.

"Lucia?" Jake's mother asked, a look of suprise on her features. I cleared my throat and smiled up her. "Hey, Julie. How have you been?" I asked politey, watching as she composed herself. She shot me a motherly smile, before reaching out and pulling me into her. I sighed and leaned into her embrace. It felt nice to be hugged. She pulled back, before leading me into the house.

"Oh darling, I've been doing good! How about yourself?" Julie asked as I stepped into the kitchen, eyeing all the familiar features. I walked over to the kitchen island, plonking myself in one of the chairs. "I'm doing good thank you", I smiled, watching as she grinned at me.

"Well that's good to hear sweetie. How are you recovering from your injuries? Almost healed?" She questioned, frowning at my neck in concern. I brought a hand up and touched my neck. The skin was a bit rough, but beside the slight ache, it was basically healed. I glanced at Julie as she bent down and dug for something in one of the cupboards.

I placed my hands on the counter and folded my legs. "Great, I'm pretty much all healed now", I responded, watching as Julie stood up with a teapot in her hands. She nodded her head, placing the teapot and two cups onto the counter infront of me.

"Tea?" she asked happily.

"Yes please".

She turned around and went to another cupboard, pulling out a jar of what looked like herbal teas and bringing them to the counter. Putting on the kettle, she placed herself in the seat beside me.

We talked for a while and I found it nice to have a civil conversation with someone over a tea. I had missed talking to Julie. Somehow, during our talk, Jake came up. Julie placed her tea on the table and looked at me with an apologetic expression. "Luce, I'm so sorry about that night when Alpha Tristan arrived. I was absolutely so confused as to why Jake was acting that way", she exclaimed, her brows drawing together. "I've tried talking to him about it, but he has been acting so quiet and strange ever since that night. I honestly don't know what's wrong with him", she spoke, pursing her lips in thought.

I nodded, letting this information set in. I couldn't say I was suprised. I stood up, placing my tea on the table. "Actually, that's why I came here, to talk to Jake. He isn't around is he?" I asked, hopping off the stool. Julie bobbed her head. "The last time I saw him was about an hour ago, in the basement", she shrugged. "He should still be there".

After thanking her, I made my way to the basement. Stopping at the top of the stairs, I looked down at the dark cool, stairway. I took them one at a time, the wooden structure creaking as I did so. As I reached the flat ground of the basement, my ears perked up at the sound of heavy breathing. Of course, I told myself, walking towards the familiar direction of Jakes make-shift gym.

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