hard mode

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Oh shit, George thought when Dream kissed him for the first time.

Oh shit, George could not stop thinking when the other kept kissing him, again and again with neither of them ever wanting to stop.

Oh fuck, George could only repeatedly think, his head crammed entirely with the phrase, when Dream touched him.

To be completely fair, he did kind of start the whole putting their hands on each other thing by touching Dream first and all, grinding a palm down and inviting the other to do the same.

And Dream did, his hand sliding seductively over George's thigh, something smug glinting in his eyes and grin as his fingers pressed, intending to apply such a tantalizing touch to make the other swoon, fall for him, melt like putty in his palms, etc. Instead, Dream only found confusion when George's pants were not nearly as tight and straining as his.

Not only that, there was no indication of any arousal. As if they weren't just going hot and heavy and hard.

"Heh," George laughed in deflection against Dream's lips, very lightly taking the other's wrist and pulling it away, "That probably won't do anything."

"What do you mean?"

George brushed the other off, hoping to make him distracted enough that he didn't have to go and explain things that should just be obvious at this point. One where George did not have to actually say, out loud: My dick doesn't fucking work.

"We can just focus on you, alright?" he attempted to divert attention, a slick smile on George's face as he placed a tempting touch over Dream's hips.

But that statement alone was enough to make Dream instantly wary. For the other to disregard his own needs and offer only to take care of the other? No, something was definitely off. Dream swallowed, sure it was on his end. That he had done something wrong or weird or made it clear he had absolutely no idea what he was doing.

With a quick clear of his throat, Dream asked lowly, "Do you not like it?"

George scoffed, rolled his eyes, gestured vaguely to Dream's chest, then gave in with a, "It's fine. That's not- We don't have to discuss this right now."

Nothing about that appeased Dream, who pressed, "Are you not into this?"

"No, Dream," George breathed out incredulously, displaying with his expression what a ridiculous statement that was, "Come on."

There was a flush rising over his cheeks, Dream wondering if he was being the one far too excitable and needy rather than George just not reciprocating, so he rambled a bit, "Well, I mean, we've been, like, making out. Pretty intense stuff. And, obviously, I'm.. I'm hard, but you aren't, so I thought, maybe, I need to do something else to make it better. For you."

"That's not," George took in an inhale, "I can assure you, that's not the issue."

Dream tossed his heated face to the side, "Well, then what is?"

George lifted a shoulder in a shrug, replying nonchalantly, "Just one of those things, I dunno."

But that answer only caused more confusion, Dream's brow drawing up in concern as he questioned, "What? George, I don't understand."

With a long sigh, as if this was such a taxing thing to have to even form the words, George relented, slightly, unclearly defining, "There's just- I have a little.. problem, is all."

He pinched his pointer finger and thumb together, showing how insignificant the issue was, but Dream took that indication in a totally different direction, his eyes widening almost too much at the gesture before he schooled his face into a softened consideration.

getting it up (hard mode)Where stories live. Discover now