broken ribs

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1000+ words :)

*BRR BRR BRR* Izuku woke up to his alarm screeching in his ear and his dog licking his face.

"Awe good morning mizuko" izuku wipes his face of the slobber that the small Pomeranian left on his face

He turns the alarm off and gets up, picking up the happy pom pom as he does. He heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth, change, and then headed to the kitchen to grab a water. He walked over to his apartment door coat hanger only to decide to leave the dog home so he can listen to music and pickup some groceries.

Izuku walks out his apartment door and walks to the elevator to take him from floor 3 to 1, eventually making it outside to the pink and purple sky. Being able to look at it forever


Gaituen Street (I don't know where this is located in MHA, it wouldn't give photos of the exact location)

Izuku watches the sunrise as he walks and listens to music. He grabs his phone from his pocket to switche the song, only to look up and be greeted by a sludge tearing down everything in it's way, only a millisecond to realize what was happening.

Only a millisecond to realize that his body was now slammed against the brick building causing his head to bleed and break multiple bones in his body.

His breath hitched as if he just ran 2 miles straight. His lungs feel as if they are collapsing, his mind runs so fast yet so empty as the dark void eats him whole.

He's falling. Realising it right before passing out. Before being engulfed in a sea of darkness and quiet. Only to hear explosions coming closer and feel something warm.


I open my eyes just enough to see blurry blonde hair and crimson red eyes, till finally passing out again


I open my eyes to a blank white ceiling, the air is cold. My head is killing me and my whole body hurts.

"Mr. Midoriya! You're awake, glad you're with us, are you feeling okay?"

A soft feminine voice fills the silence, making me feel calmer

He groaned, trying to get up before his shoulder felt pressure, making him stop before he feels unbearable pain that he was about to induce.

"I wouldn't do that sir, you have severe internal injuries, do you know what happened last?" She grabs a pen and clipboard with some sort of paper on it

Internal Injurys? Thinking about it for a second, he only gets a flashing image of someone carrying him, bridal style? "I don't know.. the last thing I remember is being picked up by someone blonde and had.. red eyes? I think, then I passed out again.."

Scribbles on the paper fill the silence as she hums in response

"Uhuh.. is that all you remember?" He tries to think hard, stopping when he realizes his headaches were becoming worse the more he thought.

"No... I can't remember anything else but my head is killing me.." he breathes through his teeth in pain, hearing someone walk beside him, poking a needle in his arm a second later

"How about you rest for now Mr.midoriya, we can talk about this when you wake up and feel better"

He nods, only taking it back a second after. "Wait, wheres mizuko? She's a small Pomeranian, I left her at home when I went on a walk to get groceries" thank god..

"I don't know, our only current concern is you sir, please have a good rest, when you need something please press the red button on that remote next to you, I hope to see you soon. She smiled

He sighs, looking up at the wide ceiling once again. "Ok, thank you ma'am"

A mutual nod was given before the nurse walked out of the room.


Waking up once more to light streaming inside of the large windows leading into his hospital room, blinding him as he opens his eyes.

He looks at the red button on the little remote next to him, gliding his hand to press the shiny looking object, hearing a small buzz right after.

After a minute that felt like forever, walking is heard clicking near his room, hearing the same soft voice as before. "Mr. Midoriya?" He groans In respond, not wanting to say anything, he covers his eyes from the light, leading her to understand what he wants.

She walks across the echoey room, footsteps making there way across it, closing the blinds.

"I'm glad you're awake.. are you feeling better?" She says with a soft tone, trying to not make any loud noises.

"Yeah, thank you so much, I feel a lot better" he sighs in relief, putting a small smile on his face.

"I'm glad to hear that Mr. Midoriya, I have to talk to you about your injuries and health care, if you have any questions after please let me know." She says with a sweet as honeysuckle smile.

"Alright, thank you miss" he lets out a silent sigh, trying to sit up only to once again be gently stopped. And slowly pushed back down

"Your injuries sir, the first thing I should mention is that you have 4 broken ribs, some internal bleeding that was fixed right away, and your head had to get stitches, your arm was dislocated but that was fixed immediately
." She looks at him with a worried face as his face turns as white as a ghost.

"You have been given multiple sedatives to help with the numbing and swelling so that will be given to you till you are able to get up."

"Your injuries should take 3 to 6 weeks to heal, we're gonna prescribe you some Diclofenac to help with the pain, swelling, and some other symptoms." He sighs, he was in such a wrong place at the wrong time, he didn't know what to do, he was terrified of death, he wanted to go home, his mom, his friends, his dog, he missed them already.

"We don't know if you need mobility therapy yet, you were caught mid air but your ribs could have an impact on your spine" she gives a slight comforting smile "you went out on us multiple times, we're glad you're alive Mr. Midoriya, do you have any questions? I know this might be a lot to take in"

"Y-Yeah uhm.." he stutters not knowing where to start.

"What time is it?.."

"7:22 in the morning sir"

"Oh wow eheh.. uhmm, do you know when I can leave?.."

"We keep patients with broken ribs for atleast 3-4 days, if you feel any better by then than we can send you home with a compression wrap." the nurse says with a smile

"Alright, thank you miss.." The nurse writes on her clipboard as she opens her mouth to talk. "Do you have anymore questions?" She says making eye contact.

"eh.. I think that's it for now I'm sorry, I can't think of anything else" he says with a slight bittersweet smile.

"Alright well if you need anything please press that button, I will be taking my leave for now and will serve you some breakfast in a bit" she smiles at him as she gets up and walks near the door.


She turns around, seeing what else he needed.

"Can I make a call?"

"Of course!"


Hi! I'm probably going to post a chapter every week because I have a bunch of homework that needs done :'D

I hope you have a good day!!

Votes? :>

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