hurry! to the mall we go!

3 0 0

"Hi mom!" Izuku says sweetly, waiting for a response at the other end of the phone.

"Izuku! Are you ok!? I heard what happened, did you break anything? I'm so glad you're not dead, I was just on my way over there!!"

"Mom! I promise I'm ok, I just broke like four Ribs and busted my head open..." Izuku chuckles lightly at his own comment, practically hearing his mom pass out.

"Izuku..." She says, startled

"Mom I promise I'm ok, they're gonna send me home in a couple days, and I have a question.."

"Alright, that's good, and yes dear?"

"Is anybody watching mizuko? I can't be there to take care of her and I hope she's ok.."

"She's ok dear, she's laying on my lap right now" she says with a gleed smile.

"Thank you, I have to go now, they have to give me my medicine.. a heavy sigh was heard from the phone, followed by a mumbled "gross"

Inko laughs at his comment, glad her son is ok. "Alright dear, I'll see you in a bit, I love you "

"Love you too mom, bye!" Izu says cheerfully, not wanting to worry his mom more than she already is.

"Bye dear" she says, calm like a flower blowing in the wind.


"Hey bakubro!"

"Hey shitty hair" a mumble was heard from the spiky hair blonde as he walked on top of the roof patrolling.

Footsteps were heard coming closer from behind, stopping at a certain point.

"Hey isn't that the dude from the sludge attack a couple days ago? Heard his ribs were broken, head injury aswell, hope he's doing ok.."

A few seconds passed by untill the red haired hero spoke again.

"I'm gonna go say hi! Wanna come with?"

"No you fuckin dork" a groan, once again was heard from the blonde.

"Alright, suit yourself!" Kiri jumped down halfway off the building, catching himself before falling again, startling the freckled face.

"Hey! Your the guy from the sludge attack right?"

"I- huh- uhm, yeah I am.. why?.."

"I just wanted to see if your still alive, glad your doing ok! What were your injuries?"

Oh wow, he's bold, uhm-

"Uhhh four broken ribs, fractured skull, some internal bleeding.. And my arm was dislocated, just got out of the hospital after what felt after forever though ahah"

The green haired male laughed a bit, he liked talking to new people after being inside for so long, feels weird talking to someone who actually wants to talk to him though, especially a hero.

"Holy shit dude, how are you walking? Do you have a ride? Why are you just on a random bench?? How are your legs not broken from the fall? Is your head ok???"

So many questions-

"Ahh uhmm... " The greenette sweat a little from all of the questions.

"Well broken ribs don't have that much impact on my walking, thank god.. the legs not being broken and my head not suffering that much injury is a miracle though, my visions a little blurry but I think someone caught me.. as for the other questions, I think I'm good, being in a hospital bed for four days isn't all that exiting ahah"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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