Apologies and tears

36 3 1

It's actually night time now btw
Shuichi pov

I couldn't sleep at all. Every time I closed my eyes, guilt started eating away at me. I needed to talk to Kokichi, to tell him I didn't mean those things I said ingame. I just needed to. I sat up and stared at the door. It's kinda surprising how focused I am on this, since I woke up in the hospital I hadn't been able to focus on, well anything. Slowly I got up, despite knowing I shouldn't leave my room, I was desperate. If I waited any longer I might forget or talk myself out of it. So carefully, I opened the door and walked out. Kaede had told me about the names on the doors so I looked at them as I walked, trying to find Kokichi's room. Hoping he was still awake. As I walked I started to lose focus, not really reading the names, but it was like I knew where I was going anyway. Eventually, I stopped at a door, the name Kokichi Oma was on it. I held my breath and knocked... with no answer. I knocked again, still no answer. I sighed and was about to walk away, when the door slowly opened up. Revealing a very tired Kokichi, he was holding on to the door handle with one hand and rubbing his left eye with the other. I stared at him, he looked so adorable, I was starting to regret my decision because, well, it's Kokichi and he seems to have a problem with accepting apologies. "Shuichi? What are you doing here?" He asked quietly, the tiredness evident in his voice. "U-um.. I forgot. I'll leave." I lied and once again went to walk away. He grabbed onto my sleeve. I looked away. He yawned and then said "Just because I'm tired, does not mean I can't tell a lie when I hear one. Now I'll ask again, what are you doing here?" I looked back at him. "I wanted to apologize for-" "I've told you, I don't need any apologies." He says, before I could finish. "But Kokichi I-" "No. I don't need an apology." He said again. Then he let go of my sleeve and backed up a little. He mumbles something, since it's so quiet I could hear him, "Well for one thing I do...". "Kokichi," He was about to interrupt me but I talked over him, "you might not want an apology but I need to apologize for it. I said something to you ingame that I shouldn't have and the guilt of it has been eating me alive. I was mad and upset over the stress of everything. I really shouldn't have said it. And I'm so sorry. So so so sorry, Kokichi. You're not alone Kokichi, I'm so sorry for saying otherwise. I understand if you hate me, I really do. But I needed to apologize. I'll leave now." I apologized. But I didn't leave. I couldn't. He stared at me, his eyes were wide and filled with tears that threatened to spill. Before I realized what I was doing, I hugged him. I expected him to push away but he hugged me back and buried his face into my chest. It surprised me but I didn't complain. We stood there like that for a minute then he hugged me tighter, I could hear, and feel, that he was crying.

Kokichi pov

I was so happy, so so happy, because I got an apology for the only thing I wanted an apology for. And yet here I am, crying so hard that my lungs hurt. I held on to Shuichi like he would disappear, which I kinda feel like that will happen since I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or not. Eventually I stopped crying, but I didn't let go. I'm not sure how long we stood there but I started to fall back asleep, at least I knew it wasn't a dream. "Kokichi, I think you should go to bed." Shuichi said suddenly. I was about to say no, when he picked me up. It surprised me, and I felt my face heat up a little. "What are you doing??" I whisper-shouted. "I know you would refuse to go to bed so I'm just going to take you there." He replied as he carried me to my bed. He laid me down, easily getting out of my loose grip. I decided not to fight back and just got comfortable, pulling the blanket over me. "Goodnight Kokichi." Shuichi said before walking to the door. I wanted him to stay, I didn't want him to leave, but I couldn't ask. So instead I just said, "goodnight, Shumai." The last thing I saw before falling asleep was Shuichi smiling and closing the door.

OK idk if this is all that good or not but that was my idea for this chapter and personally I like it.

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