Chapter 2: Darkness

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Ranboo POV:

I was sneaking around the Dungeon, trying to find a Key to one of the cells.

"you're a long way from home aren't ya?" A mocking voice called out.

It was none other than Billzo, or as Everyone calls him, Bill.

"Shush, you're going to get me caught!!!" I whisper and yelled. "you know how much trouble I'll get into if they find me?!?!?!"

"Let me guess, They'll make you go to your birthday party?" Bill said, and I could practically hear his smirk.

"you know it's more than that" I grumbled.

"OI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE? AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE IN YOUR ROOM, YOUR HIGHNESS?" I heard a guard call out to me. I groaned as I put my hood over my head and my mask over my face and ran toward the forest.

"make sure they don't catch you Ranboo" Bill called out as I ran past his cell.

"NO DIP SHERLOCK!!!" I yelled back as I tried to outrun the guard.


after a good ten minutes, he caught up and yanked my cloak hoodie, making me trip and fall on my back.

"is it just me or have you gotten quicker?" I smiled out of breath.

"Well, you do this every single day your highness," The guard said, not sounding as out of breath as I was.

"how many times have I asked you to call me Ranboo, Sam?" I grumbled, as I got up and started walking to the castle.

"Right, sorry Ranboo," Sam said as he started walking with me, cloak hood in hand, probably making sure I wouldn't try to run again.

"your mothers have been wanting to tell you and your brother something important so it's best if we get there as fast as possible," Sam said as he whistled for his horse. His horse, Ditto, galloped over and we both got on to get to the castle since we were a ten-minute run away from home and there is no way I'm running after that spectacle.

when we got there, we gave Ditto a carrot and took him to the stalls, and Sam lead me to the throne room. 

what if I just run now? I don't think he'll catch me this time I thought to myself but before I could even look in the direction of the woods, Sam grabbed hold of my arm and dragged me into the throne room where both my mothers were.....this is going to be a nightmare.

Sam shoved me through the doors and walked in beside me as my moms stared at me.

"heyyy mom" I cheaply smiled like I wasn't about to get the talking to of my life.

"OH, MY POOR BABY IS ALIVE!!!" my mom, Mary, cried out as if they thought I was too weak to handle myself. I know how to use almost any weapon but she keeps babying me and I'm so tired of it.

"yes mom, I'm fine" I rolled my eyes.

"what were you thinking sneaking out again? And this time you tried to break Billzo out too? What has gotten into you?" My mother, Regina, questioned.

"I just wanted to go outside and hang out with Bill, I don't see why you put him in the prison anyways," I grumbled loud enough for them to hear.

"He is a bad influence and tried to harm you" my mother stated.


"help you cut your leg off?" 

"he wasn't, I got caught in a bear trap and he was prying it open-"


"FINE!!!" I yelled and started walking away but Sam grabbed my arm and dragged me back over to my moms.

"Pardon my manner but didn't you wanna tell him something? I mean it is why I brought him" Sam said, trying to calm my mother down.

"Right! Well, Ran, there has been a Darkness spreading and we don't know what to do about it so we need you to find some people to explore it and find out whats causing it" my mom finally spoke up.

"why are we trusting him with this Mary?"

"Regina!" mom whisper yelled. "Sam is going with you and you need to find four people for this mission and both you and Sam are going with them to guid them and keep them safe. We're keeping the numbers low so that you may be able to move quicker"

"yes mom" I sighed and Sam walked me to the stables to get our horses.

I fed my horse, Blaze, as Sam fed Ditto and we both took off into the woods.

"where even was Soren?" I asked upset, "I thought you said they needed to talk to both of us"

"they must've already talked to him and sent him to his room," Sam said calmly.

He knows me and my brother don't get along. We might be identical twins but we are worlds apart and never get along. He is 15 minutes older than me and always gets on my nerves and I lost a lot of good friends because he decided to do a 'funny' joke. Now the only one I had left was Bill but he was put in jail cuz Soren decided it was a good idea to put a bear trap in the middle of nowhere.

"Wait, can we get Bill to fight? Maybe mom will let him go if he does," I pondered.

"I can go get Bill and you see if you can find anyone else, remember we need 4 people so just gather as many as you can and we'll decide who fights and who doesn't" Sam assured "And Ran, Don't Run this time,"

"Alright, meet me back here in 10?"

"yea" Sam smiled and we took off to our separate ways.

I kept riding but there was no one in the woods. Now, usually, people are hiking, drawing, painting, selling, having fun, and all that Jazz but there was no one here. 

well, that's weird  I wondered.

Then an Evil, Homophobic Branch decided to knock me off my horse. Stupid branch. Blaze ran off and I was just holding on to the branch in pain. I got down to see where I was, Every time I run, I mentally map the whole woods out so now I know every inch of this forest, and I saw this... portal-looking thing? I walked closer to it to see what was inside and I got punched in the face.... this is not my day. I looked towards the portal again but this time I didn't dare step closer, and I saw a hand going in and out of the portal, it looked like a Tan-ish gloved hand I think, so I did what any sane person would do...I intertwined my fingers with the random magical hand that is coming out of a portal. It started pulling my hand into the portal so I started pulling my hand out of the portal but I tripped over a stupid pebble and two kids came crashing into me.

I looked up and I saw this Angel straddling me.... did I die?

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