Chapter 2

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Karl has been friends with George since his last year in high school. They were paired at the same table with Sapnap and Karl's friend Quackity.

Sapnap had already been friends with George for four years, so when two new people enjoyed their annoying fighting, they knew it was meant to be. It only took a few parties and a unanimous love for Minecraft for the four to be comfortable with each other. Back to the present, though,

"Karl, dude! How long has it been? Four days is way too long." Nick says with a smile. Karl returned the gratitude with a fist bump, which Nick thought was a high five.

George looks at the two "friends" from the couch, putting his computer on their tiny coffee table. He saw the awkward hug they shared and could have died on the spot. Alright, time to be a good wingman for both of them.

"Come on in. We're not strangers. Get out of the doorway. I still haven't cleaned it." George remarks sarcastically.

He wipes off some dirt from his blue blouse, getting it onto their already dusty gray carpet floor. He should vacuum it, a job for future George.

Karl and Nick shuffle over to the couch. When they sat down, Karl took out a stack of cards.

"Go fish?" He smirks. Karl had been notorious for consistently winning Go Fish. George swiped the cards out of his hands and started shuffling.

"No, we are going to play blackjack," George states as he drops the whole deck of cards on the floor.

"Are we sure we want you to tell us what to play when you can't hold the cards?" Nick chuckles, grabbing the king the hearts card from the floor.

George glares at him and sticks his tongue out at him. Then he realizes what card Nick is holding. He can use it to his advantage.

"Hey, king of hearts, give me cards beneath your crusty feet." George grimaces at the last part. Karl laughs as Nick grabs the cards under him.

"My feet are not crusty! At least my feet fit my shoes, asshole." Nick replies, throwing the cards he picked into George's lap.

George gasps angrily and throws the king of hearts back to Nick. Some of the cards slide into the inner crevices of the couch.

We are never getting those back.

"I find it funny how you keep getting king of hearts and still can't get any bitches" Karl smirks, taking the card out of Nick's lap.

Damn, Karl is finishing George's plan without even knowing it.

Nick and Karl bicker for a while as George starts reshuffling the cards. When he finishes shuffling, he tunes back into the argument the two lovebirds are having.

"I'm impressed yous till have a job in customer service speaking as your so insufferable," Karl mentions crossing his arms.

Nick crosses his arms to mimic Karl and starts muttering something along the lines of 'mi mi mi mi mi mi.' George rolls his eyes, and Karl tackles Nick.

Some resistance from Nick leads to a lot of yelling and ends up with both of them on the floor.

With Nick on top of Karl pinning him on the floor.

"Ayo?!?!" George exclaims. This has gone perfectly.

Karl and Nick stammer to their feet and apologize to each other.

Some dirt is stuck in Karl's hair, so when the two get back on the couch, Nick tries to pluck it out.

George watches on the side with just an eyebrow raise as this whole awkward mess unfolds.

He sneakily takes a photo of Nick's hands in Karl's hair, with them both giggling like little girls.

"Wait," Nick says, looking up from Karl to the tiny white clock they have in their dorm room.

"It's Tuesday, right?" He asks, panicked. George nods, confused at what Nick is trying to say.

"George! We have a shift at the bakery right now! It's 1 PM" Nick scrambles off the couch and yanks George off as well.

Their shift is at noon.

So much for a round of Go Fish.

Niki is going to kill them.

George and Nick sprint to their room to get their wallets, and George grabs his small brown satchel.

George can hear Karl cackling in the other room.


They may get fired because of him and his obsession with Go Fish.

They exit their room, and Nick swings open the main door, Throwing the keys to Karl so he can lock it for them.

Nick and George sprint through the school grounds as fast as they can, people around giving them sour looks. They still are an hour late but better now than not showing up.

Karl slowly trails behind them, whistling quietly throughout the halls of people.

George slows down because his legs hurt, but Nick speeds up.

"Nick, wait up! We're already late, so-" George sighs. He can't get out the rest of his sentence because of how out of breath he is.

You may be asking why one bakery needs two people there at once. Well, it's a breakfast and lunch place, so they need a person to make all the food while someone else is the cashier.

Is the place busy? Not really.

So when they enter the small bakery, inhaling the smell of mint that bounces off the pastel green walls, only twelve people are there.

Only four of them even bother to turn their heads, annoyed at the people disrupting the quiet ambiance of the bakery.

They see their boss Niki who is glaring at them beside her oblivious partner Jack.

They are behind a brown counter with a glass box of sweets and sandwiches to display the bakery's assortment of food.

The coffee makers and ovens behind them make them glow on the cloudy day.

Niki is a lovely person. She has pale pink hair styled in a bob cut that sways in the light breeze with jean overalls covering part of her pale brown sweater.

On the other hand, Jack is wearing his signature red and blue glasses bald head shining in the light. He's wearing a black sweater and jeans.

She stares them up and down. She glances over at jack and whispers something to him. He leaves to the back room and comes back with Nick and George's aprons.

"Hello, boys," Niki utters. Her voice is low and gravelly.

George and Nick glance at each other for a second.

They're dead.

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