Heard a 1000 times

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"Suck it up buttercup"

"Tears are for the weak"

"Don't be a cry baby"

"It's all in your head"

"Get over it"

"It's not a big deal"

"Ignore it"

"Deal with it"

For so long

I've lived and breathed

These very lines

They play in my head

Again and again

A never ending anthem

Of repressive thoughts

Repress the emotion

Repress the pain

Don't let yourself get

Caught up in

"Meaningless" things

Because showing emotions is weak

But is it really?


This is an older poem I wrote. I've made minor revisions but it's mostly the same. 

I was written not long after I was diagnosed with a condition that in part came from me suppressing and invalidating my feelings for a very long time.

You should always express your feelings and talk about them, because whether or not others think your over reacting doesn't matter. What and how you feel is simply what and how you feel and that is always valid.

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