Meet the Squad

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Bella, best friends with Haley, whose brother, Noah, is best friends with Blake, Bella's love interest. I told you it would be complicated, try to keep up.

Things to know about the characters:
Bella- sophomore
is quiet unless she's around certain people, sometimes those kinds of people just bring out the fun in her. Only the special people, the good ones can really see her true beauty and personality.

Haley- sophomore
is one of the people that brings out the best in Bella. She's kind, caring, funny, and great at soccer. When her and Bella first met they hit it off instantly. So the relationship between Haley and Bella had been growing and getting stronger.

Noah- freshman
is Haley's little brother. Him and Bella rarely see each other, but when they do they always mess around with each other and crack jokes. He's a fun loving goofball who can be a hard head at times.

Blake- freshman
Is, as I said before, Bella's love interest, but we'll get into that in a minute. He is so funny and caring. It didn't take long for Bella to open up to him, which is strange because she almost always closes herself off to everyone. Maybe it was those eyes... Or that smile... Or maybe just his welcoming personality that had drawn her in, she'll never know.

How Bella met each of them:
Bella met Haley in the eighth grade when she transferred to her new school. They weren't in the same class, but they had the same lunch and they'd talk a little during that period of time. Bella joined the soccer team and that's how their friendship really started to sprout.

Bella met Noah at a small fair. They immediately started  joking with each other. Their relationship was interesting and funny to witness, but not strong enough for them to text and talk everyday. They only talk when they're around each other, which isn't all that often.

Bella met Blake in theatre class. He transferred out of art to be in theatre since he's colorblind and, well, it would be hard to pass that class since the very first text is on the color wheel. The very first day he joined that class Bella could do nothing but stare at him and try to talk to him. She's not the kind of person to throw herself at people, but it was different this time. All she wanted was for him to notice her.

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