11 1 1

Lucie : yes, the ability to think for myself!

Lucie, turning to her : Laura, what do I do?


Jessica : look I'm not gonna-

Fei : do it!

Jessica : I'm Jessica and I was wrong

Jessica : *taking down a bi pride flag* I'm singing the Jessica wrong song

Jessica : I shouldn't have taken that chance, now here's my remorseful dance *puts up a lesbian pride flag*

Fei : do the kick!

Jessica : *does the kick* eh


operator : 911, what's your emergency?

Roxie : my wife is going into labor and I don't know what to do

operator : is this her firstborn?

Roxie : no, this is her wife


Leo : you were very drunk last night

Annika : what? no I wasn't!

Leo : you cried because Ari was flirting with someone

Annika : that's reasonable!

Leo : it was you she was flirting with


responses to "can I copy your homework?"

Robin : I can try to help you with it

Mae : bold you to assume I did the homework

Annika : lol nope

Fei : yeah, sure, it's probably wrong anyway

Rosabelle : it's your own fault you didn't do it

Nova : we had HoMeWoRk?!


Alina : hey, do you know what bee's make?

Nadia : honey?

Alina : yes dear?

Ari, copying Alina : hey, do you know what bee's make?

Annika, probably mad cause its Annika : some stupid annoying sound

Annika : the fuck do you want anyways?


Dannny, getting to know Maxxie's irl group : I'm sorry, but who's is charge here?

Maxxie : usually whoever it's just screams the loudest


Aurora : where's Clover?

Mae, remembering that Clover got their head stuck in a tuba after Aurora told them to leave it alone and that she's supposed to cover for Danny and Samantha as they work together to get the tuba unstuck from Clover's head : ...who's Clover?


Olympia : if I die, at least I'm going to die doing something I love

Adrienne : and what is that?

Olympia : dying


Jacob : fuck, marry, kill? Alara, Willow, and Lydia

Jessica : fuck Willow, marry Alara and kill Tessa

Tessa : I wasn't even one of the fucking options?


Mae : so you remember the plan if I ever got shot right?

Paige : of course

Mae : tell me

Paige : in the case of you ever being shot, as you fall to ground, I am to sing "mmm watcha say" no matter the circumstances

Mae : good


Ingrid, after consuming enough caffeine to kill three horses, crawling around the room rapidly : WHERE ARE THE FRESH CHILDREN FOR ME TO FEAST UPON?!

Astrid, holding up a cross, backing themself into a corner : what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK—


Raine : am I right, Nat?

Natasha : I'm almost certain you're not, but to be fair, I wasn't listening.


Andy : any questions?

Laura : yes, I have a lot of questions

Laura : number one: how dare you?


Clover : what is the proper way to dealing with abusive grandparents?

Varvara : a knife

Clover : wha- no!

Varvara : two knives

Clover : STILL NO

Sergey : god, you are so dumb. the proper way is an untraceable poison.

Clover : you guys do realize I'm thirteen right?


Fei : why do people have quiet, respectful funerals? when I die, I want my ashes mixed with glitter and packed tightly into a coffin, and then they blow up the coffin with explosives so glitter rains down on the guests while blasting random girl in red songs.


Inessa : why is blood so hard to wash off your hands?


Annika : we all know that isn't true

Leo : hydrogen peroxide dissolves blood, just fyi

Olga : do you think if you gave someone a huge shot of hydrogen peroxide straight into their bloodstream it would kill them?

Oleg : this group is filled with murderers-


Nadia, panicking at a Wendy's : can I get uh...a lamp?


Annika : shhhhh, guys, do you hear that?

Inessa and Olga : what?

Annika : that was the sound of my patience shattering into a billion pieces



Jessica : at first, I didn't know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad hand-written novel.

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