Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

    Shelby, trying to fall asleep in bed that night, couldn't help but think about Kyle. Her mom and doctor had both ordered her to sleep as much as humanly possible, yet her head just wouldn't empty of it's swirling mess of thoughts. She couldn't even imagine the guilt Kyle must have been carrying around. Losing your parents in such a horrendus way— and having no one to talk to about it! Having never known her own parents, Shelby didn't feel qualified to guess at how he must have felt. And even now, with her adoptive parents, she didn't believe she'd feel adequately heartsick if they died to compare.

That said, Shelby did want to help. It may have been a year too late, but she wasn't going to let that get in the way of helping the one person that meant the most to her in the world.

Rolling over in bed, Shelby grabbed her phone and sent out a quick text to Rose, Derek and Kyle; What do you guys say to a major mall visit next Tuesday? We can meet at the entrance at 9:00 a.m. and stay all day long.

Rose was the first to reply; As an end of school thing? Don't we already have plans for that?

Why'd you text me? Derek griped. I'm trying to sleep!

Don't be a whiny baby, Derek, Shelby replied irritably. She didn't care about either of their responses; they could come or not. It didn't matter.

We're already going to take a week- long trip to Hollywood for graduation, Shelby. We don't need a mall thing, too, Kyle finally responded.

It's not a graduation thing, guys. It's just for fun. You know, that thing we do together? It involves hanging out, spending money and browsing endless stores we have no intention of purchasing anything from. First one to arrive gets to pick the store! Shelby was relieved to have Kyle respond. He hadn't looked too good when she had left, and she'd honestly worried about what he'd do without her, but she'd had to leave. She'd already stayed out past curfew, and any later her father would've come looking for her. She wasn't about to incur his wrath.

I'll be there, if you insist, Kyle responded. But I don't see why you had to invite Derek.

Derek's your brother and Rose's boyfriend. We can't just exclude him. . . Despite our endless list of reasons why we should. Shelby sighed, turning off her phone. She knew for a fact Rose would freak out, jumping into battle at her obvious hatred of Derek, ranting about how they never gave him a chance, and, really, he was just a poor lost soul looking for some love. . . But Shelby didn't mind. She'd accomplished her goal, and that was all that mattered. She laid her phone down to charge and instantly fell asleep.

    ''Kyle! Your girlfriend's being mean to me again!" Derek yelled from his room.

Kyle groaned, rolling over in bed. "Shelby isn't mean!" he yelled back. "Let me sleep!"

"Tell her not to blaspheme my good name and I'll let you sleep." Derek was suddenly in his room, sitting next to him on the bed.

"Oh my god, Derek! Let me sleep!" Kyle yelled, kicking him off the bed. . . or trying to. Derek chose that precise moment to use  his super strength to his advantage, staying firmly in place. Kicking an immovable person is the same as kicking any other object with no give; it hurts. Kyle yelped, jerking his leg back. "I have never used my powers against you!" he protested bitterly, curling his bruised toes.

"Don't be a whiny baby, Kyle," Derek replied, mocking bitterly Shelby's text. "And I've asked you to use your powers to help me before. You always refuse! That isn't something I'm happy about!" Derek let out a heavy sigh, falling back over Kyle, his arms spread wide.

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