Away From Hell But Not In Heaven

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Everything follows a normal timeline up until about the point right as the battle between Rias and Riser happens

Suddenly there's a flash of Lightning

And it strikes in Rias' home plate

Then they see a boy.

Rias: who are you?
Me: just here to do The Devils Dirty Work.

I walk off as a scythe appears in my hand and they hear boss music.

Rias: why do i hear boss music

Even riser hears it then there's a knock on her door.

She opens it to me.

I smile and slash her open diagonally

I stab the both pairs of twins in the same slash then my scythe vaporizes

I pull out 2 knives and start slashing yubeluna .

She dies with 38 stab wounds.

I pull out a claymore next and fight both the knight girls

I slash open the evil bitch before stabbing holy knight girl.

The rest i beat to death.

I kick the door off its hinges

And it blasts through the window right before koneko gets in front of it.

Akeno: My My~ he is Handsome.~

The game ends as she says that and we appear next to Sona And Riser and their own Peerages Respectfully.

Me: hey Rias...?
Rias: yes?
Me: i need a place to stay i got no home.
Akeno: can he stay with us?
Rias:  fine i guess i owe you that much.
Me: Arigato, did i say that right?
Sona: yes it was close enough.

I reach in the air pulling out a duffle bag then three come out.

Koneko tries picking one up to no avail.

Koneko: what do you keep in there?

I open two of them up revealing lots of guns.

I zip it back up

Rias and i start walking to the ORC

Rias: who are you? I mean really you expect me to believe your death?
Me: i am kinda im like if death had a human son who could travel dimensions.
Rias: i see, do you have a name?
Me: well for alias Sake its Jack or Knight i prefer Jack.
Rias: Knight it is.
Me: i don't talk much if it wasn't obvious.

Time Skip to the next morning 5 A.M.

I go out of my room to make some coffee.

I search the cabinets for some coffee finding a brand that's familiar its the same picture but its written in Japanese.

Then a cat walks by, a white one.

White cat: its coffee.
Me: Thanks koneko.

I whisper.

I make my coffee.

I sit down at the table and Koneko transforms to her normal demon self.

Koneko: hey?
Me: yeah?
Koneko:why did you act like a savage while fighting?
Me: well its because i like fighting...if your asking why i fight with a smile its because i have A fucked up past.
Koneko: how sad is it?
Me: ill let you decide...i was a child of a hillbilly and a saint born jewish and baptized Christian, i would spend a good chunk of my childhood in the ghetto watching people die and two girls almost tried to fuck me at 9 years of age... I was almost 7, one day my step father would abuse me and my mother for the rest of the time he lived with can come out now.

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