Arranged love 2/2

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Pls ignore grammatical errors and typos.

Words count: 5.6k

pictures credits goes to the rightful owner.


Its been more than 30 minutes since taehyung is awake and all he is doing right now was staring at the sleeping beauty in his arms.

Jeongguk was sleeping under his husband's protective arms without any care of the world. His arms wrapped around his hubby's nake torso loosely but taehyung's hold around his waist and under in nape was tight.

Taehyung was grazing his baby's small pout with his forefinger. He kept staring at the luscious lips and at last steals a quick peck from him and when he didn't find any movements then he again leaned down and pecks the pouty lips once , twice ............multiple times until younger squirms under his hold.

"Hubby " jeongguk says in his morning raspy voice.

"Good afternoon my sunshine." Taehyung chirped and kissed his forehead.

"Good mor- wait afternoon?" jeongguk says narrowing his eyes.

"Get up baby it's 01:00 pm ." Taehyung says rubbing his wife's bare back who whined and closed his eyes again hiding his face in older's neck.

They always sleep till late afternoons whenever taehyung have holidays.

"Why are you still sleepy baby , didn't you slept well last night?" Taehyung asked turning to sleep on his back which made younger to get on top of him automatically.

"I'm too tired to get up" came a voice of younger who's face was buried in taehyung's neck.

"As much as  i remember, i didn't do anything  which would make you tired baby." He says teasing the younger.

"Shut up pervert!! I'm tired b'coz i didn't get proper sleep  from last days without you, so you better don't disturb me now and let me have my much needed sleep peacefully." Jeongguk says slapping on his bicep.

"Okay sleep as much as you want but let me go i need to use toilet." Tae says.

"No!! you are not going anywhere... How will i sleep peacefully without you." jeongguk says smacking his head.

Tae felt the big pout on the skin of his neck and mumbled a small 'okay'. He hugged the sleeping boy more tightly and closed his eyed as well to sleep a little more.

1hr later

"Baby wake up " Tae says shaking the younger a little.

"hmmm" jeongguk hummed in annoyance.

"Wake up sweetheart i think you are hungry, so get up you need to eat something real quick." Taehyung says as he woke up hearing gguk's tummy rumbling. He gets  up and sitting on bed now with the sleeping boy on his lap.

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