Chapter 5: A Familiar Gem

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dream goes to magic class...

how does magic work again?


chapter text:

memories for what happened between waking up and ending up in phil’s class were few and far between. from staring bleary eyed at the ceiling on top of a bare mattress to realizing he was wearing different clothes he didn’t own and finally ending up in the class. that was pretty normal though. dream was not and never would be a morning person.

honestly, the best example of that was when he actually looked in the mirror and realized he was, somehow, clean and in fresh clothes despite not taking a shower or owning a change of clothes. he just stared in the bathroom mirror, shrugged, and left to go to class.

to be fair, the clothes were pretty much what he’d wear on a normal day anyway. wide neck green hoodie, ripped pants and fancy shoes with chains on him. give him his makeup bag and he’d be indistinguishable from the real… other? old world. thinking about it now, it felt like an apology from xd.

either way, that thought came too late as he stepped into the classroom. it was just as he remembered from yesterday, crows along beams and perches and potions sat around the corners of the room. the biggest difference was that there were people in the room.

most of them, dream recognized or had met. the three for the main lobby were at two tables with someone wearing pretty much just purple. quackity was with his roommates and karl. techno sat at the front next to some redhead, firmly ignoring another brown haired guy who was poking at his back. the same brown haired guy who had the only empty seat next to him.

suddenly, it felt like dream had walked into something he didn’t want to be a part of, a critical plotpoint. he wasn’t sure exactly what it was but he was pretty sure that this was a railroad. he had to sit there and meet whoever he was sitting next to. there was no way that wasn’t what he was supposed to do.

and then the guy turned around as dream took a reluctant step to do so and, suddenly, it didn’t feel so much like a chore. maybe that was the point? fluffy hair fell loosely over his face, almost obscuring one eye. circle rimmed glasses perched over his nose, glimmering gold doing nothing to obscure deep brown, almost black eyes.

soft pink lips pulled up into a smile, showcasing adorable dimples and… and dream was swooning, wasn’t he? was it a swoon if he was rooted to the floor like a statue? mental swoons were probably a thing and a thing dream was doing since actual swooning was dumb. he might be drooling though. just, just look at those shoulders!

“dream, thank you for joining us, take a seat,” phil both called out to him and called him the fuck out, a small smile of his face that felt mocking. or just amused and dream was experiencing severe embarrassment. yeah, that was it.

nodding quietly, dream slid into the seat next to the hot guy, which was not as good of a notation as he thought it would be. everyone in this room was attractive and he might be overheating. ten points for the white mask he woke up in attempting to cover his blush. it didn’t do very well but god if it didn’t try.

fingers circled knots in the wooden desk as phil started speaking, doing a very bad job of actually listening. if nothing else, it probably looked like he was listening. in reality, he was mostly just staring, trying in vain to ignore his deskmate and techno and… well, staring at phil to ignore them was a bit of an oxymoron.

the only difference was that phil had dilf energy, even if dream didn’t know if he actually had kids. it didn’t matter though, the feeling was there and dream wasn’t about to call it wrong. he was content to stare and listen to phil’s warm, friendly voice while not registering a single thing actually being said. word recognition? who’s she?
safe to say, when the chatter from the rest of the class picked up, he was completely lost on whatever just happened. it sounded excited, kind of. a lot of different voices and words in one room melding into a cacophony of nothing. reluctantly, he turned to his deskmate.
“looks like you’re stuck with me,” his deskmate laughed, a wonderful sound dream craved more of even after only hearing it once, “my name’s wilbur. who are you?” wilbur tilted his head, not quite looking at dream straight on. oddly, the other sounds seemed to dull in his ears as if the world was turning the volume down.

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