Chapter 9: Crane's Home for Wayward Sirens...And Nygma

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Author's Note:

DO NOT SKIP OVER!!!!!! IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!! Noted that it is canon in DCU that Metropolis (Superman's turf) is New York during the day, and Gotham (Batman's turf and the better of the two in my opinion) is New York at night. However, Gotham is more built like New York structure wise. Given that it might be interesting to know that a vast majority of New York's grocery stores, including Wal-Mart, are underground. This little tidbit will help you later on in both this chapter and the story. Now back to the story.


Veronika is the strongest woman I've ever met. She knows so much about her family and everything they went through and she still strives to be on top. It's incredible. I had to leave the girls, pick up Nygma and run down the road to one of the downtown stores for food and things. Something tells me I need to be prepared for a house full of girls and very little sleep. As luck would have it, my lab is voice protected and is only coded for Veronika's and my own. Anyone else will be submitted to terrible, inescapable nightmares until the toxin wears off. Maybe I should let the other three know about that...Oh well.

Anyways, I walk around the store and pick up anything I get that the girls may need. Since I don't know much about girls, I base my findings off of Veronika. I get a container of ice cream in every flavor the store has (just to be safe), and I had grabbed a couple boxes of...ehem...feminine products. I also got usual food and basic house stuff that we needed. Of course, when Nygma isn't annoying me with riddles, he's complaining. "Why do we have to get those? Do we really need all of that? I just want to go home! I'd rather be at Arkham!"

"Quit griping Edward and keep your trap shut. Anyone finds out we're here and we get locked up I'll ring your riddling neck." I threaten him as we start to move to the checkout. The total came out to $367.50. I handed the cashier two hundred dollar bills, three fifties, and a twenty and she gave me back the change. Nygma walked out to the upper parking garage and we started out drive back home, again with him complaining the entire way.

Then Nygma went quiet as soon as we got to the house, "Wait, how did you-"

"Veronika was a stripper at the Icebox Lounge back when Cobblepot wanted to change things up. That was how she had heard about me and she saved up the money he paid her and she got in tips from working there."

"He only had that for half of a year. How much did she make?" He asked as we gathered all of the bags.

"About half of a million dollars." Veronika smirked, starling us.

"You sneaky little minx." I started as she took some bags off of me. "You almost gave Nygma a heart attack."

"Eh, it's for the better." She said. The girls laughed rather loudly inside.

Edward just huffed, "You are a cold heart Romkova."

Veronika stopped and turned to face him, "I only just told the girls. How did you-"

"You honestly think you would keep the secret that is your Russian life from me? If you haven't noticed I am-"

"'The most intelligent carbon-based life form in the universe.'" All of the girls mocked, perfectly in sync. Now I couldn't help but laugh.

Nygma hides his anger and silently sets his bags down. "Alright, smartasses. Mock me how you will, just know that-"

"I will always be smart enough to rule all of Gotham, including you simpletons." The girls all say again. Now I can't breathe. Nygma walks in the living room and slumps on the couch.

Veronika speaks up and grabs a carton of cookie dough ice cream after putting the rest in our separated freezer, "We have two guest rooms but I can give up mine so you guys can have one each. Edward usually takes either the couch or a room he made in the basement."

Harley, back to her normal state, asked, "Where will you sleep Ron-oh wait nevermind..." She blushed and giggled.

"As long as Johnny Boy's room is sound proof, that arrangement sounds perfectly fine." Nygma yells from the other room.

"And you won't even be able to lie about it either," Selina smirked, "I think we all know the difference between a toxin scream, and if Roni starts screaming 'Oh Johnny!' in the middle of the night."

Veronika, blushing like mad and shoving a spoon into her carton, rolled her eyes and mumbled under her breath, "I hate you all." She slumped up the steps and up to our room.

I roll my eyes, "Quinn, you'll have Veronika's room. Selina and Pamela will have the rooms at the other end of the hall. Nygma will show you the way. Be discreet, and don't leave unless Veronika or myself show you the safest way. Goodnight."

Harley followed me and spoke softly, "When Roni stayed with me while you and Puddin' were in Arkham, she always made these really yummy pancakes for me to make me feel better when I was stressed. Can you ask her to make those sometime again?"

I start to speak when Veronika comes out and hugs Harley tightly, "Of course I will Harls. I'll make them tomorrow morning. Goodnight, Harley." They both separate and go to their respective rooms. I join Veronika and she hands me a spoon, "Care to join me Jonathan?" She asked, smiling as wide as can be.

I slid in next to her and she turned on the television that she begged me to have. She let out a little squeal as American Horror Story: Asylum came on. Harley gave her the entire box set for her birthday. I have somewhat grown to appreciate the media that Veronika listens to/ watches. My favorite of all of her musical tastes in a tie between Marilyn Manson and Slipknot. I'm taking a liking to her favorite ones, Evanescence and Lindsey Stirling. As surprising as it sounds, Harley and I took Veronika to an In This Moment concert last year. Seeing her happy like that makes me feel a little more than happy. It feels as if in the event that I would quit "villainy", as long as I could make Veronika happy, I wouldn't mind. "Veronika, may I tell you something?" I speak through a mouthful of ice cream.

"Sure?" She smiled, still focused on the show.

"I love you, Veronika." I spoke in a serious tone.

She gazed at me, her piercing blue eyes gazing at me, "What?" she whispered in utter disbelief.

"I love you," I smiled at her, "I love you, Veronika Alekseyevna Romkova." I repeated, speaking her full name.

Tears came to her eyes, "I love you too, Jonathan Fletcher Crane."

With that she kissed me and we both forgot about the show, ice cream, and I got to make her happy again.

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