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Athena's outfit for this Episode

Sabrina's bedroom. Hilda and Zelda are tidying away laundry while Sabrina studies the magic book. While Athena is out on a date with her new boyfriend Riley

Sabrina– I don't get it, I've been studying my magic book and it's just too hard.

Zelda comes over and sits beside her on the bed.

Zelda– Oh here, let me help you. Ah! Here's one for silence. (Reading) Affix the taste organ of a humped ruminant adjacent to one's dentation.

Sabrina– I have no idea what that means.

Hilda– It means put a camel tongue in your mouth. It works, but you'll find out why camels spit so much.

Sabrina– I think I'd rather actually be doing my homework. Thena is out with her boyfriend why is she not here studying her magic

Zelda– Sabrina, magic is part of your education too. Sure it's hard work and it might seem difficult at times but with plenty of practice and Thena powers work different because of her father so she does study but not in the same way you do and she has her own magic book this one is yours

Hilda– (Interrupting) Oh why don't you just get a straw and suck all the fun out of it? Thena loves to study her magic but she knows how to have fun too, that is why she out while you are studying

Hilda flips over a few pages in the book and points out a particular page.

Hilda– (Cont.) Oh you are going to love this section.

Sabrina– (Reading) Magic for dummies?

Hilda– Try this one, it's a hoot. Oh, it's great at parties.

Zelda– Oh please! That's the oldest trick in the book. That's so old, mortal's are doing it.

Sabrina– Let me try

Hilda gets a top hat from the top shelf of Sabrina's wardrobe and tosses it to her.

Sabrina– (Cont.) Okay, here goes.

She stands and holds the hat while waving her free hand over it.

Sabrina– (Cont.) Abracadabra.

She reaches into the hat, way into the hat. Her arm disappears almost to the shoulder as she feels around inside and eventually comes up with what she was looking for.

Sabrina– (Cont.) Hey, it worked! I pulled a rabbit out of a hat.

Rabbit– Hey, put me back! My wife Renee is about to give birth.

Sabrina– Oh sorry.

Hilda– Relax, that happens a lot with rabbits.

Sabrina puts the rabbit back in the hat.

Sabrina– I didn't know.

opening credits.

Spellman kitchen. Sabrina's just come down stairs with her school bag, Zelda's at the counter making breakfast, Salem's sat on the kitchen table and Sabrina goes over and scratches the top of his head.

Sabrina– Morning Salem.

Salem– Maybe for you, I'm having a bad fur day.

Sabrina– Poor kitty, what's wrong?

Salem– Couldn't sleep last night. I tried reading the most boring thing I could find but not even your diary could do the trick.

Sabrina– How'd you read my diary, it's locked?

ATHENA AND SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCHESWhere stories live. Discover now