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On Sunday, Severus woke up with a thoughtful smile which gradually went sour as he ruminated on whether he would get the job at the library or not, and grumbling while trying to comb his thick clumps of hair after taking his shower. Deciding his white school uniform and black slacks were suitable for the day, he briefly wondered if he had to wear a necktie too.

But surely there wouldn't be such a hard interview, right? Do librarians even need to be interviewed? He just wanted to get started on his spell project and being away from the ever-suffocating atmosphere of Spinner's End, that's all!

Sighing, he put his Slytherin tie into his satchel, checking his Muggle money for the final time (hoping it would be enough for the trip to town and return home) and his wand before going downstairs where his mother was preparing breakfast. She pushed a bowl of lukewarm porridge toward him with a raised eyebrow and left him alone, heading to the basement where she would work on some of the potion orders she received.

When his father sat across him, Severus barely held his shock, struggling to swallow down the last spoonful of his porridge. 

"Thought ye said yer going to the library," Tobias spoke, eyeing him from head to toe in suspicion.

Severus drank his entire glass of water before answering, "Best to wear formal outfits, just in case." Taking his bowl, he then washed it along with the pots his mother used and left them hanging on the rack by the sink.

"I'm going, Pa."

Tobias merely grunted as he ate his breakfast. Rolling his eyes, the boy put on his shoes and left to the bus stop, taking time to knot some of his hair into a reasonable ponytail.

He really hoped the blasted vehicle won't take long to appear.

Luckily, nothing major happened on his trip to Muggle London and once the bus stopped in front of the public library, Severus couldn't hide his grin upon seeing the 'Help Wanted' sign before walking into the premise.

An elderly woman was dusting the bookshelves near the check-in/check-out counter. A nameplate was displayed on it, written 'Rose Davis'.

"Uh... I- I'm here for the job," he began, avoiding her stern gaze. He could feel how she was critically inspecting him all over, clicking her tongue at his old satchel and messily-tied ponytail. After a few minutes, she hummed in disinterest, stowing away the dusting feather and sat on her chair behind the counter.

"What's yer name?" she spoke, a pen poised to write in her hand.

"Severus Snape."

Her eyebrows rose curiously, "Ye good with cataloguing?" 

He nearly scoffed right there, "Absolutely."

"Writing and reading?"

He wondered if this really was an actual interview question or the librarian was just messing with him. "I write well enough and love reading," was what he said instead, barely holding back his sarcasm.


Severus drew a blank over that one. Mrs. Davis merely quirked her eyebrow over his reaction in amusement.

"...I can learn. If you want to teach me, that is." Oh, Severus hated it when he didn't know something that's supposed to be common knowledge. Then again, he really had no desire of taking Muggle Studies since his family already had one, albeit being quite a horrible example of them.

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