Hogwarts, 6th Year

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Severus dragged his school trunk in search for an empty compartment, noticing from the corner of his eyes that people were eyeing his raven curiously and after passing a few carriages filled with Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, he found one in the third frontmost coach. Quickly, he entered the room and locked the doors with a few spells, drawing down the curtains and put up the 'Don't Disturb' sign he had used before. Carefully, he then placed Rogue on the empty seat across him and his trunk under his seat before wearing his school robes.

Hmm, he had about 3 more hours before the prefect meeting. He decided to read his Transfiguration book to occupy his time and took out a sandwich from a small self-filling lunch box that was inter-connected to another in Prince Manor's kitchens. It was one of the many things inside the mansion that he found to be very handy, especially when he didn't feel like appearing in the Great Hall for mealtimes. And of course, also being one of Severus' many questions about his mother's decision to leave the wizarding world.

He was so immersed in his reading about the importance of detail for Transfiguring objects non-verbally that he barely registered the constant knocking on the doors. Only when Rogue croak did he notice and slid the door open with a grumble, frowning at a small boy standing outside his compartment; a second-year perhaps from the looks of his stature that was shakily clutching an envelope.

"...What?" he eyed the student skeptically.

"Uh... Professor Slughorn said to give this to you," he stammered and Severus rolled his eyes as he took the invitation from the small boy before sending him away. It must have been one of the Slug Club's meet-and-greet sessions. He stared at the damned badge on his chest and sighed; might as well just get it over with before continuing his reading.

When his wand alerted him ten minutes before the breakfast party, he got out of his carriage and locked it before going to search the designed meeting room. By the time he opened the door, it was almost full and much to Severus' ire, both Lily Evans and James Potter were invited too.

"Ah, hello, Mr. Snape!" Horace Slughorn greeted jovially as he entered the compartment. Severus simply nodded before taking his seat next to Francesca Zabini; he didn't exactly like the stout professor but also didn't hate him either. As long as he was allowed to have his own private potions room in exchange of brewing some basic healing potions and salves for Madam Pomfrey, it was a good deal between them.

"First stand-in Hogwarts Prefect in recent history; and it's from Slytherin! I also heard you will take ten N.E.W.T subjects this year, is that correct, Mr. Snape?" the man started, pouring himself a cup of tea.

Severus found himself smiling at the question, "Yes, I think I will like the challenge."

"Of course, of course; I've never doubted your ability to juggle time into fitting your tight schedule," Slughorn wiggled his forefinger with a smile, "may as well be the youngest Potions Master in the century if you can make it through!"

"Indeed. I'll make Slytherin House proud of having me," Severus barely needed to sugar-coat his words; he knew just how much the professor loved the praise and when the man winked at him, he confirmed it was a success. He too, actually wanted to prove that Slytherins were destined for greatness.

He shared a small talk with Francesca about the careers they would take after their N.E.W.Ts before contently watching how their Head of House was sucking it up to other students. They didn't really like the methods he used; Slytherins were supposed to be subtle after all, but also couldn't deny its effectiveness.

His wand reminded him of the time he was supposed to meet with other Prefects and with an apology he excused himself and noticed how Lily made her way out too.

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