secret twice

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their music was very successful and everyone loved the brownies feet, they became famous.
felix got a call from bangchan from his old group stray kids and he told felix that his sister likes brownies and hung up after that felix called his sister and told her to call bangchans sister to tell her to meet felix at the fountain in the rainbow park because that is felixes favourite park because that is where he found out brownies are brownies.

bangchans sister and felix met up and felix said "you should try my brownie because they are very magical and if you eat it something special happens." "ok" said bangchan sister. she went home and pet her dog berry she went to her room and took the brownie out of her purse and took a bite out of it. after that she felt weird and became twice and very popular.
she called her brother bangchan and said "christopher, i am twice"

2 days later
felix and niki broke up they had an argument because niki did not eat 10 brownie he ate 8 brownie which was not good. felix went to hyunjin because that is his best friend and the talked about it and hyunjin said you should leave enhypen and come back to stray kids because we are your true family.
they became trilingual.
they started singing lady gaga no matter gay straught ir bu lesbian transganeder bu im on the ricght track baby i was hirb to survive

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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