XII. The Twelve Sacred Princesses

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It was high time the Star Darlings went to find the last of the dozen, Gemma. "Gemma could be anywhere!" Tessa complained. The others looked at her like she was causing the problems. "Okay, I'll stop." Tessa said, looking down. Hoshi generated the teleporting aura and sent them to the last of the twelve lands of The Zodiac Realm. This last place was basically Candyland, but with an orange tinge all throughout. This area made some of the Star Darlings hungry - Vega wasn't hungry, Scarlet was being herself, Piper only ate when she had to, and Clover didn't think that sweets were a healthy choice for a snack. The girls walked through the candy-clad landscape, the ground felt like cake icing - soft, squishy, and a little bit cold - and that was when the eleven Star Darlings and Hoshi came to a river, except it wasn't a proper river. "Ew, the water is brown!" Leona complained. "Yeah, but..." Astra sniffed the brown "water" for a few seconds. "I don't think that's water." Vega piped up. "I think it's chocolate. Liquid chocolate." Sage chimed in. The Star Darlings looked around in confusion, like Sage being untruthful.

"How can chocolate be liquid?" Scarlet asked, dryly. "Simple, heat it up and it melts into a liquid state," Hoshi explained. "But how are we going to get down and across?" Libby asked. Hoshi stopped dead to think, clearly Libby caught it out. "Maybe we can get some sweets to make a boat?" Tessa asked. Together, the Star Darlings went and found some sweets to create a boat. While the Star Darlings and Hoshi sailed downstream, Sage felt like something got tugged off of her. She looked down and realised that her satchel was gone! "OMS! My satchel! It's gone!" Sage exclaimed. She had that satchel on her all the time - even when she slept in L'hôtel de la Lumière d'Or, even in the depths of winter, in the cave, underwater, and even braving the intense wind in the sky - and the satchel just so happened to contain the final Star Pact, which was reserved for Gemma. "Oh for goodness sake, Sage, you should be more careful!" Hoshi tutted. The ride down the chocolate river was uncomfortable and tense. But when they got off, things got more intense. At first, it didn't look like anything was wrong, but occasionally, a lightning bolt would appear in a random location, frightening the nearby Starlings. "Goodness, that's not great. As the Star Darlings continued down the strawberry-lined path, a lightning bolt raced to the ground, almost zapping Sage. "Starf! Sage, are you okay!?" Cassie asked, concerned. "Yeah, fine." Sage replied, shocked. The path continued to a giant white cake which was obscured by a dark cloud from which the lightning strikes came. When the eleven girls and fluff-ball finally arrived at the cake, they realised it was too tall to climb up. While the girls looked down in defeat, Adora found a solution; her Star Pact. "Aquarius Star Formation!" She exclaimed as she pulled the Star Pact from her jacket. She transformed into Darling Aquarius and recited her speech before looking up at the cake as several lightning bolts smacked the ground. "Aquarius Cirrus Breeze!" She announced, spinning around. This spiral of wind brought the Star Darlings up to the top of the cake. "Gemma!" Tessa exclaimed as the wind dissipated. Gemma was encased in chocolate, while the last Dark Darling stood in front of the Star Darlings, constantly tossing the last Star Pact - which was pale orange and shaped like an electric bolt - in the air.

"What did you do to my sister!?" Tessa demanded, pushing Sage out of the way. "Encased her in chocolate, nothing much." The Dark Darling replied, casually. "At least this one is honest." Hoshi whispered to Sage. Without warning, Tessa leaped towards the Dark Darling who let the orange Star Pact go. It hit the chocolate, cracking it and revealing Gemma like an Easter egg. "What's this?" She asked as she bent down to grab the Star Pact. She looked over to see Sage run over. "Okay, listen Gemma. Say: "Gemini Star Formation!" Take the puff, transform, then say: "Gemini Star Supernova!" And you'll be back to normal." Sage explained. Gemma nodded her head and Sage ran back. "Gemini Star Formation!" Gemma exclaimed. Taking the puff, she patted her whole body, creating electrical bolts. Her Star Darling uniform was orange and had Gemini motifs. "I am the Star Darling, who represents the sign of The Twins! I am Darling Gemini!" Darling Gemini announced. "And as for you, Ammeg, you need to be punished." Ammeg shrugged it off. "Gemini Electric Shock!" Darling Gemini exclaimed. She pointed her index and middle finger at Ammeg, and thousands of lightning bolts shot forth, which electrocuted Ammeg, and ended the Dark Darlings once and for all. "Gemini Star Supernova!" Gemma exclaimed, returning to her original form. Adora did the same thing. "At last, all twelve princesses are back!" Hoshi exclaimed happily.

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