The Compromised Duchess 12

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                                         Chapter 12

Giles inspected the small bouquet in his hands and deemed it fit for the lady. He paid the little girl selling them and continued his brisk walk towards Hyde park, acknowledging greetings from friends and acquaintances with a smile and a slight nod, or in the case of ladies, a tilt of his top hat.

He drew out his pocket watch and inspected the gold rimmed surface. It was a quarter to twelve, still ample time for his rendezvous with Lady Laurel.

A young man on horse back drew abreast and brought the gray gelding at a halt. “I say Rosehaven, why are you on foot?”

Giles paused and squinted up at the man. “None of your business, Alston.” He retorted, “Now toddle off, there’s a good lad.”

Alston burst into amused laughter and swung down from the saddle. He was of a height with Giles, but possessed a red, puffy face and slightly large stomach, all testament to his fondness for drink.

“Ah, I see, you have flowers. Now I can understand why you are obviously in a hurry” He sidled closer, a mischievous grin on his florid features.

“Tell me, who is this fortunate lady.” He said, clapping Giles on the back, much to the latter’s irritation. “Anyone I know, hmm?”

“Perhaps,” Giles said curtly making a point of inspecting his watch again. A point that was lost on the happily oblivious Henry Alston. So he decided to be blunt. “These flowers are going to be useless if I miss my appointment with Lady Laurel, Alston, a situation which will not be good for you at all, because then, I shall be seized with a sudden desire to collect the three thousand pounds which I graciously gave you to pay off your gambling debt. Am I clear?”

The smirk disappeared from Alston’s face and he quickly backed off, “Gads old chap, you don’t have to be so hard. I’ll leave you to your meeting then, shall I?”

“By all means do” Giles smirked and pushed past, leaving Alston behind, the lad now wearing alook akin to fear. He smiled, sadistically and held up the bouquet to his nose, inhaling the scent of a mixture of flowers. He loved having the upper hand when it came to dealing with people, a habit that had served him very well in the past.

He entered the park and made for the oak tree he had once shared a picnic with Laurel, spying an unoccupied bench nearby and sat down to await the lady. A blue ribbon fluttered about and landed at his feet, and he stooped to pick it up, just as a lovely red haired girl came hurrying up, obviously with the intent to collect.

He held the ribbon in his right palm, twirling it slightly, and smiled at the girl when she came to a stop before him.

“Does this belong to you?” He asked, her, careful to keep his tone light and teasing so as not to frighten her off. The girl nodded, her jade green eyes fixed on him, and wiping her hands nervously on her gown.

“It’s a pretty ribbon,” He continued, holding her gaze, “But not as pretty as its owner. What is your name?”

The girl stared at him for a few more seconds, then nervously glanced back to her group, torn between the desire to retrieve her ornament, and the urge to flee to the safety of her governess.

“There’s no need to be alarmed” Giles said, handing back the ribbon, and deliberately letting his finger tips brush against hers when she touched it. He enjoyed seeing a spark of interest flare in those lovely eyes before it was quickly masked in confusion. “I mean you no harm, I simply wish to know your name so that we might be properly acquainted.”

“ name is Helen” The girl whispered, ducking her head, a delightful blush spreading across her cheeks. “Helen Woodridge.....sir”

“Hmm Woodridge....” Giles knew the name, and wondered if she was an offspring of the Viscount.

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