Chapter 19

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Hank sat in Karen's family room. Bob had told everyone that Hank had been asked to consult his task force starting the next day for a few weeks. The adults sat up discussing the past few weeks and Hank's consulting assignments past midnight. As it was late, everyone finally retired.

"We need to talk and get a few of the lies sorted out once this is all cleared up," Bob told Hank before heading to bed.

Katharine went to sleep in one of the guest rooms on the second floor next door to Tess, Bob, and their two kids. Bob seemed to think that Wright didn't know about Karen or that they were staying at her home. What Bob didn't know was that Sarasin's team was already on site outside the home. Sarasin watched from the same wood line that Hank had used when he had observed Karen's house shortly after all the Doctor Martin issues began.

Hank stood up to walk to the patio out the kitchen door when Karen appeared at the top of the stairs wrapped in a terry cloth robe. He stopped as Karen descended the stairs. The look on her face spoke volumes to Hank.

"Does this have anything to do with Martin?" Karen asked. "More like, Martin was wrapped up with these people. Suffice it to say, I have brought some attention upon myself from an old acquaintance of mine. So, it's best if I disappear for a while," Hank told Karen.

"That doesn't add up, Hank," Karen said. "I have watched as you go charging in, but now you're running and hiding? I don't buy it."

"Karen, you can't mention any of that to anyone. It's imperative that everyone thinks that I am just an ordinary IT guy who spent some time in the army. Okay?" Hank eyed Karen intently.

"Okay, but I have the feeling that you are leading these people after you and away from the rest of us," Karen shot back at him.

"Let's just say, it's safer for everyone if I go away for a while."

Hank's cell phone buzzed. "Hello?" Hank answered the unlisted number.

"Well, well, it's been a long time, old buddy," Wright's voice came out of the cell phone.

"How did you get this number?" Hank demanded as his hand reached for the HK45 in the shoulder holster. Hank pushed Karen into the family room, pointing for her to get down on the floor.

"It's incredible what you can accomplish with the right amount of money," Wright told Hank. "Have you seen a certain assistant DA lately?"

"Why are you doing this?" Hank asked as he drew his pistol, shutting off all the lights in the house. Once the house was completely dark, Hank went from window to door to window, peering out to check the perimeter.

"Money, old buddy. You killed the sheik's nephew. Now he wants you dead," Wright told Hank.

"Then why call me and warn me?"

"Oh, you've already been warned. But who told me is the question on your mind," Wright teased. "I know where you are, and I know how you hate it when kids get killed. So why don't you meet me? I'll give you two days to get to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Check into the Isle Inn. I'll be in touch then." Wright hung up.

"Get that?" Hank asked into the earbud he was wearing.

"Got it," Sarasin said.

"Hope Sanchez doesn't realize we are onto him though."

"Who are you talking to?" Karen demanded, coming to Hank's side.

"I'm leaving now. A Homeland Security detail is on their way to secure everyone here and your family," Hank told Karen.

Book 1 of the H&K Series : Path of KnowledgeWhere stories live. Discover now