Chapter 1.5: The Knight Rider Returns / A Place to Call Home

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(Leanbox/Edge of Zune Island)

The CPUs in their HDD forms had arrived at the edge to Zune Island where there was a report of monsters swarming the area

Green Heart: There it is just up ahead

Not many came here but the CPUs knew that if not dealt with, the monsters could grow in numbers and spread until eventually swarming into Leanbox

But as they looked to the island they already saw lots of monsters had already been swarming the island

White Heart: Damm that is a ton of monsters

Black Heart: There may be many, but they all look low level to me

Purple Heart: I think your right. Still we can't let them make it into town, we need to kill them here before...

But before she finished she heard something, a strange whooshing that kept getting louder

Purple Heart then stopped much to the other CPUs' surprise who then also had to stop

Green Heart: Neptune, why did you stop?!

Black Heart: We can't stop before we get there!

White Heart: Don't tell me your getting cold feet

Green Heart: That wouldn't be proper for a true goddess

Purple Heart: Just be quiet! ... Do you hear that?

The other goddesses clammed up and listened as they too heard the whooshing noise

White Heart: What is that?

Green Heart: Doesn't sound like the monsters on the island

Black Heart: But what else could it be Vert?

At first she thought it was the monsters on the island despite what Green Heart had said, but as the noise got louder she realized it was coming from behind them

Purple Heart then turned around to see a small black object with a flashing red light coming towards them

Purple Heart: Look behind you!

The CPUs all then turned around to see the object coming as well

Green Heart: Could it be another monster?

Black Heart: Why would it come from behind?!

White Heart: Doesn't looks like a monster to me

As Purple Heart looked closer, like White Heart said, she saw it wasn't a monster but it was a small black car with what looked like a red pulsing light between it's headlights

And it was coming towards them at very fast speed

But the other CPUs then noticed it was a car as well and were concerned

Green Heart: That driver must not know what's going on up ahead

White Heart: He's crazy going that fast!

But as Black Heart looked closer she then suddenly recognized the car as Project Alpha from which she had given up on days earlier

Black Heart: Wait...! That's Project Alpha! Someone's stolen it!

Purple Heart: Now hang on Noire, we don't know if that is the case

But Black Heart didn't listen as she branded her HDD rapier as she then charged at Project Alpha

White Heart: Where are you going?!

Green Heart: What about the monster swarm?!

Black Heart: I will not allow Lastation's technology to fall into the wrong hands!

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