Cool Big Brother

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"Boo, I wanted to win!" Drista threw the chess board across the table in a fit of childish rage.

"HEY!" Dream wheezed, finding her outburst funny. "You just started learning how to play. It's going to take some time before you get good." Dream picked up the board and set it up for another game. "Are we playing again? We still have some time before you go home."

Drista checked the time and huffed. "I really want to stay. Why can't I stay for another night?"

"Because you're getting on my last nerve." Dream teased and took the first turn.

Drista lazily took her turn. "Oh shut up...I'm not that bad. I want to stay."

"You only want to stay because I let you do pretty much anything." Dream chuckled and took a strategic turn.

"It's just more fun here. I like playing games with you. You let me eat whatever I don't make me go to bed." Drista listed some reasons, without honestly saying that she enjoyed her brother's company.

"Drista, you can't stay here. I'm busy I can't just take care of you all the time." Dream cleared his throat. "It's your turn."

"You aren't THAT busy. I can take care of myself, you just hate me." Drista accused him out of nowhere. It just made her angry that her brother didn't want to spend as much time with her, as she wanted to spend with him.

" know I love you. I'm just not able to keep you here all the time." Dream had a couple of dark secrets that could only be hidden for a weekend. He'd never be able to keep her safe from his depressing life if she was there full-time.

A car horn honked loudly and suddenly. Drista gave her brother a blank expression before going and collecting her things.

Dream followed her to the door. "Do you need me to help you carry that stuff out?"

"No." Drista's tone was harsh.

Dream watched as Drista angrily got in their parent's car, and slammed the door in rebellion. He panicked. Dream couldn't stand leaving people with a negative interaction. He always wanted to leave on a positive note, Incase he never saw that person again.

Dream went to his bedroom after Drista left and sprawled out on his bed. He tried to ease his mind. Telling himself he could call Drista later, and sort things out. After all, she was a moody teenager. She could be a real pain, but Dream loved having her around. The weekends were his escape from his dark reality. Drista was like a drug. Once he had a dose of her, he had the strength to continue the week. If she had other plans on the weekends, Dream practically laid in bed and rotted until she called to tell him about her weekend. It was a shame he couldn't have her around longer. Dream could only suppress his real drug addiction for so long.

Dream rolled over to his bedside table and opened up the drawer. He pulled out a pill bottle. It was a prescription, just not his. He bought it off some guy that needed quick cash. Dream opened the bottle and poured two pills into his hand and they went directly into his mouth. He reached over to the nightstand again, picking up a coca-cola bottle. The cola had been sitting there for a while. It had gone warm and flat, borderline disgusting. Regardless Dream used it to aid him in swallowing the pills.


Two weeks later, Drista still wouldn't talk to Dream. She was so upset. In her youthful eyes, it looked like Dream didn't love her. It was like he only watched her on weekends because he had to. Drista would never admit it, but she idolized Dream. She loved him, she wanted to be like him.

Dream tried to call multiple times, but she never picked up. Until one particular night when she was feeling lonely.

"Hey..." She answered, still holding the grudge.

"Where have you been? I've been calling for like a month." Dream had lost track of time, but it felt like a month since they spoke.

"I have better things to do than talk to you, Dream..." Drista mumbled, trying to act tough. "I have a life, you don't even want me around anyway."

"Drista, I care about know that." Dream sighed tiredly. "If I could, I would keep you here all the time."

"You could, but you don't want to. You just want to go out and party with your friends." Drista wasn't completely dumb. She knew Dream was going out and getting drunk. When she would arrive at his house on Saturday mornings, he would often seem hungover.

"Drista, I-" Dream was cut off.

"I'll call you back tomorrow, maybe. I'm going to hang out with my friends..." Drista didn't have any friends, but she wanted Dream to think she did.

"Drista, you haven't talked to me in for-ever." Dream's voice cracked.

"You're not the only one with a life, Dream! Go get drunk and party, you care about that more than you care about me." Drista was so frustrated, she didn't notice her brother started crying before she hung up.


Two more weeks later, no callback. Dream sat in his dark room, breathing in smoke clouds. His cellphone was glued to his hand as he checked it multiple times for a missed call. Just as he felt insanity setting in, that's when he got a call from Drista.

He picked up immediately. "Drista, hey..." His voice was tired and his words were slurred.

"Can I have some money?" Drista didn't actually need money. She just didn't want to admit she missed her brother severely.

"For what?" Dream lost all hope that she still loved him.

"I want to go to the movies with my said no so...can I have some money?" Drista tried to keep up her heartless act.

"Yeah, I'll send you $100..." Dream knew he wouldn't need the money.

"That's...I don't need THAT much..." Drista was shocked. Dream only gave her $20 at most because he didn't want to spoil her.

"No, take an apology." Dream insisted.

"Fine, thanks I guess...bye." Drista didn't know how to continue the conversation.

"Bye, I love you..." Dream said genuinely.

"Whatever..." Drista hung up obliviously. What she didn't know, was that Dream had been holding a gun to his head for that entire conversation. Hanging up on him, ended a life.


Dark clothes, dark eyes, and dark thoughts. Drista was barely connected to the world as she kneeled before her brother's casket. This was their last time together before he was gone forever. Everyone at the funeral gave her pity pats on the back, but none of them felt her guilt.

Drista rested her arms and head on the closed casket. Her brother wasn't in good condition, they weren't allowed to see his body. She stayed mostly silent for her time with Dream. Although before her time was up she whispered, "I love you... I wanted to be you. It's all my fault..."

"I should have realized I was hurting you."

Cool Big Brother {Dream + Drista one-shot}Where stories live. Discover now