Chapter 7: They're Here

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Next morning

Robert: Oh, my, Good morning.

Morgan: Morning, Daddy.

Giselle: Good morning.

Robert: Good morning.

Giselle: Made breakfast.

Robert: Great. I'll get it. Thank you. That's a nice dress.

Giselle: Thank you.

There was a loud knock on the door and Morgan went to open it

Edward: It is I! Prince Edward of Andalasia and Fair Maiden (Y/N), come to rescue my lovely bride, and the fair maiden's best friend Giselle!

Giselle: Their here.

Robert: Apparently.

Giselle: Oh, my. Oh, my goodness. Oh, um, how do I look?

Robert: Slightly stunned.

Giselle: No. I mean, how do I look?

Robert: You look... ...beautiful.

Edward & (Y/N): Giselle!

Giselle: Edward, (Y/N)!

Edward lifted her up and spun her around and placed her back on her feet while you ran up to her and gave her a hug

Robert: Could you...? I'm sorry. But could you just be...? Could you just be careful?

Edward: You!

Robert: What?

Edward: You're the one who's been holding my Giselle captive!

He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Robert

Robert: Let's stay calm

Edward: Any last words before I dispatch you?

Robert: You have got to be kidding me.

Edward: Strange words.

Giselle rushes in front of them

Giselle: No! No! No. These are my friends. This is Morgan. And Robert.

She points to the little girl and man

Giselle: This is Edward. And (Y/N).

She points to you and him

Edward: I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss

Robert: He sings too.

Edward: And a miss I have begun to miss Pure and sweet waiting to complete My love song Yes, somewhere there's a maid I've never met Who was made... Who was made To finish

Giselle: What's wrong?

Edward: You're not singing.

Giselle: Oh. I'm not. Well, I'm sorry. I was thinking.

Edward: Thinking?

Giselle: Before we leave, there's one thing I would love to do.

Edward: Name it, my love, and it is done.

Giselle: I want to go on a date.

Edward: A date! What's a date?

You also looked quite puzzled about what she was asking

Giselle: Well... ...we go out to dinner. And we talk about ourselves. Our likes and our dislikes. Our interests. A date. And remember that you guys can come and visit Andalasia anytime.

Robert: Sure. And if you ever come to town, we should all get together for dinner.

Giselle: That would be lovely.

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