Chapter 9: Fight for Love

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Narissa: NOOOOOOOOOO!!! The most powerful thing in the world. Ha! I don't think so. You have no idea who you're dealing with. You want a show? I'll give you a show. Back up and get ready for the main event!

She turned into a huge dragon

Nathaniel: You selfish, evil...

Narissa: All this nauseating talk of "true love's kiss." It really does bring out the worst in me.

Edward: Stay back.

Narissa: You know, I've been thinking. If I'm going to remain queen, I'm going to need some sort of story when I go back. Hmm. What if a giant, vicious beast showed up and killed everyone? And poor, defenseless Queen Narissa, she just couldn't save them. Let's begin with the girls who started it all, shall we?

Robert: Over my dead body.

Narissa: All right. I'm flexible.

She grabs you and Robert with her tail and flys out the window

Robert: Let us go!

(Y/N): Put us down!

Narissa: Come along, Giselle, Edward. I don't want you to miss this ending.

She carries you both up the tower

Robert: Let us go! Ah! Put us down! You're crazy!

Narissa: No, spiteful, vindictive, very large. But never crazy.

A sword hits Narissa in the tail that was thrown by Giselle as Edward is catching up

Narissa: Ah!

Robert: Giselle!

(Y/N): Edward!

Narissa: Oh, my. This is a twist on our story! It's the brave little princess and the prince coming to the rescue. I guess that makes you the damsels in distress, huh, gorgeous? Keep up with me, dears. It's time to take our tale to new heights!

Edward: Pip! You'd like to finally be help Giselle and best the beast. Why didn't you say so in the first place? Thank you.

He let him out and continued to follow Giselle

Giselle: Narissa! I'm not going to let you take them!

Narissa: We're coming to the end of our story now. Are you at the edge of your seat, Giselle, just dying to know how it ends?

Giselle notices Pip climbing towards the queen

Giselle: Pip!

Narissa: How about this: "And they all lived happily ever after!" Well, at least I did.

The tower couldn't hold Narissa and Pip's weight so it fell and she died.

Narissa: What? Oh. Ah! Ow! Ah!

Giselle: Robert! (Y/N)! Hold on!

Giselle catches Robert

Robert: Ah!

Giselle: Is this a habit of yours? Falling off of stuff?

Robert: Only when you're around to catch me.

They share a passionate kiss

You fall into Edwards arms he spins you around and also gives you a passionate kiss, but your still sad that Giselle won't be coming with you

Edward: Why so sad, my love?

(Y/N): Im going to miss Giselle.

Edward: We can always visit!

(Y/N): That would be nice!

Nancy walks up to them

Nancy: She forgot her shoe. Figures.

Edward: May I?

She nods

He puts the shoe on her foot

(Y/N): It's a perfect fit. Why don't you come to Andalasia with us?

Nancy: Got nothing better to do!

They all ran to the hole and jumped in, you looked around the city once more

(Y/N): Goodbye Giselle, Have a happily ever after.

You and Edward were getting married when a ringing was heard throughout the room it was Nancy's phone

Nancy: Oops! I'm so sorry. Wow, really good reception here.

Pip: Here you go, sweetheart.

He gives her the crown

(Y/N): Thank you, Pip!


And so they all lived happily ever after.

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