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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Do not distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display, or create derivative works from or exploit the contents of this story in any way. Please obtain permission.



Genres: High Fantasy, Adventure, Mystery, Romance

Language: English- Tagalog




This story is not yet revised and edited by the author so expect a lot of typographical errors, misspelled words, and grammar inconsistencies as you read beyond every chapter. It comes from my raw and unedited drafts so if you can bear with it, then thank you.

I have no schedule for updates on my stories since I usually 'go-with-the-flow' as they say---not to mention my very loaded class schedule hehe :) I hope you understand.

I also won't recommend perfectionists to read this. I apologize. I'm still in the process of exploring and learning how to write so might as well give you a friendly notice that my writing skills are very mediocre and lame, LOL no need for further comparisons. Hehe. But I'll try my best to improve and hopefully polish my writing skills the next time! Feel free to ask questions :)

If ever some readers find to dislike or feel offended by the story then I suggest to just drop it right away if it's not your cup of tea. However, if you somehow find this story intriguing then be my guest and please continue...

Feel free to judge and drop comments, but you should at least consider the word respect and know your limitations. Thus, always put into mind that constructive criticism is different from destructive criticism. Thank you, and may your Sigils finally awaken the dormant power that lies within the depths of your hearts. <3

- Soul_of_Anubis

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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