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Before you begin: Kongpob is a sophomore and Arthit is a senior. The hazing still happened, however, they never confessed to each other.

kong @kongpob_s     If I get the highest score in ES 110 finals, I'll confess to my crush.

In a drunken, semi-overconfident state that Kongpob was deliriously in, he tweeted that bet on his main Twitter platform which has a significant number of followers, especially at his university. It didn't help that his friends were now laughing hysterically at him, as all of them knew the person of his affection.

He knew it was a mistake the moment he horrifiedly saw his feed the following morning, with texts from his friends:

M: I bet 500 baht that Kongpob's going to win and we'll see him get rejected

Oak: He's not even going to try and he's still going to win. All of us barely got in this class and he passed with flying colors.

Tew: I don't think making fun of Kongpob's misery is nice, but I'll bet 600 baht he's still going to make a fool out of himself regardless if he confesses or not.

Wad: 650฿. He messes up his confession.

Prae: I bet all of you Kongpob's going to have a boyfriend by the end of this semester.

May: How do you know, @Prae?

Maprang: I'm still not sure how Prae got the confidence but I will be rooting for you, @Kongpob. All of us know you need some thrill in your life.

He didn't want to think about the repercussions of this tweet as it makes his head hurt, like his brain splitting apart. In the middle. He doesn't need to be reminded that regardless if he confesses because of a bet, he's still going to be embarrassed for getting rejected.

Kongpob angrily replied back to their group chat,

Gee, thanks for all your support.

M: He's awake!

Maprang: Kongpob, I just have to warn you that most of the school is now talking about your tweet, and finals is tomorrow. Good luck!

Oak: So I almost bumped into the Hazers yesterday, and they were all huddled up, looking at their phones. P'Arthit knows about your tweet, Kong!

I think I'm skipping class today.

M: No, you're not. I'm on my way to your dorm, get dressed.

Kongpob sighed, threw himself back on the bed, and screamed into a pillow.


ES 110 is an engineering major in their curriculum. It's actually for seniors, but Kongpob managed to squeeze it in during enrollment with their finished extra curriculum as freshmen, he wanted to lighten his load for the next semesters and he asked his friends to go with him because they all passed the prerequisites.

While he got in the class with good grades, his friends were barely holding on from the previous class, therefore translating into their current class.

Kongpob didn't know how he did it but somehow this subject has been one of his highest yet, and he earned that confidence now as he always got really high scores. The seniors in the class were also looking at him with awe every time the professor complimented his exams.

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