chapter 5

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Alright, hi, I'm back. Please don't expect any fixed schedule for when this updates, because I don't know myself. It's probably a really shit chapter, but enjoy it anyway.

When Izuku woke again, it was quiet. The small hum of the TV playing was the only thing that filled the stuffy air. Izuku slowly unravelled himself from the blanket cocoon he had hidden in.

Izuku stood and opened his curtains, wincing at the sound it made, observing the sunset in all its glory. He let out a sigh before shrugging on his hoodie and stepping into the living room.

Upon opening the door, he was greeted with a fluffy cat trotting over to rub itself on his legs, meowing consistently. Izuku carefully leaned down to pet the feline, ignoring the small wave of dizziness it caused.

"That's Lana." Izuku jumped at the sudden voice, looking up to its origin. Shota stood hunched over the coffee machine, an empty mug in hand. Lana meowed impatiently, disapproving of the sudden lack of attention.

"Dinner will be ready is about fifteen minutes, if you're up for it." Shota continued, now pouring the caffeine into his mug. He took a sip and visibly slouched in relief.

Giving a mere shrug in response, Izuku returned to petting the soft cat, who began to purr in contentment at the contact. Izuku looked up slightly to take in his surroundings.

Hitoshi sat on the couch, reading, whilst Hizashi and Eri could be heard in the room next to Izuku's. Shota moved around the kitchen, occasionally stirring something in a saucepan, frequently sipping on his coffee. Another cat was curled in Hitoshi's lap, hanging its head over his leg in what seemed to be an uncomfortable sleeping position.

Izuku stood slowly and walked over to Shota.

"Hey, kid. Your social worker is going to have to come round soon. Says you've been off school for too long without good cause or something." Shota visibly looked uncomfortable at the mere thought.

Izuku's social worker.

Coming to the house.

His social worker who misgendered and deadnamed Izuku at every chance she got.

He knew it was bound to happen eventually, he just didn't think it would happen so soon.

He hadn't even began to figure out the rules of this house.

What was he meant to do?

"Hey, Izuku. It'll be fine, just take a breath." Shota's nonchalant voice echoed through his train off thought and Izuku found himself complying with his words.

When did he start listening to adults?

Izuku glanced at the saucepan's contents, standing on his tiptoes to fully examine it. After a few seconds Shota refilled his mug and began to explain,

"It's miso soup. It won't be ready for a little while." He paused before continuing, "Can I check your temperature again?" Shota shuffled to a cabinet and reached in, his hand emerging with a plain-looking box. Izuku merely shrugged as Shota opened the box, washing the tip before passing it to Izuku.

The child grimaced but nonetheless placed the thermometer under his tongue and waited until the beep sounded.

"It's still a little high, but it's gone down again."

Izuku pondered on his next step for a short while before turning back towards his room. He quickly shut the door behind him.

Better to be out of the way than in the way.

Everything always ended up better that way.


It was a day later when Izuku's social worker made her appearance.

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