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Xena traversed the surrounding areas for anything or anyone that could help lead her to followers of Deimos. She knew that time was running out to save Gabrielle. She just hoped that it wasn't already too late.
(thinking to herself) Please Gabrielle, just hold  on. I'll find you.

As Xena searched for any sort of tral that she could follow, she came across what looked to be the aftermath of some sort of battle. It was a horrific scene. The bodies of the fallen were scattered across the battlefield. The quiet air was filled with the stench of death. Even with all of Xena's experience in combat, the scene was so gruesome that it made her feel uneasy and slightly sick to her stomach. Clearly whoever was responsible for this were truly heartless, depraved monsters. Xena quietly made her way through the area as she continued looking for anything to help in her search. As she walked she heard a small, weak voice.
? there?

Xena looked for the source of the voice. After a little searching, she found that one of the soldiers was still alive. She knelt down to see what she could do to help him.
You need to get out of here.
Shh, save your strength.

Xena began inspecting the soldiers wounds.
Please... listen. The people who did this, they were completely mad. They slaughtered.... everyone with an attitude of pure joy. They just
kept saying stuff like "Soon panic will reign" and "He will deliver us all with fear."

It became clear to Xena that this was the work of the followers of Deimos.
Do you know what way they went?
No. They went around making sure everyone they took down was dead. When they got to me, I pretended I was already slayed. I guess I was convincing, enough, so they let me be. Though I don't think it really matters... I know I'm not gonna last much longer.

As Xena saw the extent of his injuries, she knew that he was right. There was nothing she could do to save him. And moments later, he was gone. Xena stood. Anger flooded into her. As if she needed more reasons to find these people. Now that she witnessed first hand the depths of their distruction and madness, she knew that the followers of Deimos needed to be stopped. Based on her evaluation of the battlefield, Xena knew that they passed through the area pretty recently. She was on the right track. Xena continued on in the same direction she had been going. She kept focused on getting to Gabrielle in order to distract herself from the scene surrounding her. She had an even more heightened sense of urgency to reach her in time. Xena continued along until up ahead she saw a small group of people. She quickly took cover behind some rocks. Cautiously, Xena peaked out to get a better look. She watched them to see what they were doing. Though she had a hunch that they were some of the followers of Deimos. Xena followed them for a bit, just to confirm her suspicions. As she tracked them, they came across a traveler. Xena silently watched from a safe distance, ready to intervene if she needed to.
Excuse me? I'm a little lost.

The people approached the traveler. Xena couldn't quite hear what they were saying. Cautiously she got closer. As she did, she saw one of them place their hand on the travelers shoulder. Xena got a bad feeling about the situation. But before she had time to act, the traveler let out a loud cry of pain, as they dropped to their knees. This confirmed Xena's suspensions. These people were indeed part of the followers of Deimos. Quickly Xena grabbed her chakrum and threw it at them. It struck, slicing the hand of the follower. She lept in, getting between the traveler and the rest of the group, catching her chakrum as it came back to her. Xena glanced back.
Get out of here now.

The traveler looked at Xena, very confused.
If you know what's good for you, you'll run. Now go!

The tone of Xena's voice frightened the traveler. They ran off, not knowing that Xena had just saved them from a horrific fate. With the traveler safe, Xena was able to focus on the task at hand.
Followers of Deimos I presume.
Ah you know of us.

Xena drew her sword.
You people took someone very important to me, and now you're going to tell me where she is.
And what if I don't?

Xena readied herself to fight.
I'll make you.

The Deimos follower chuckled.
You don't scare me. You can't force me to do anything.

Xena glared at him.
We'll see.

Xena swung her sword. The Deimos follower swiftly drew a dagger and blocked Xena's attack. They fought for a bit. The Deimos follower called for the others to attack. Xena fought them all. One by one she cut them down. Finally there was only one of the group left. Knowing he was out matched, he tried to flee.
Where do you think you're going?

Xena quickly caught him. She put her hold on him.
Clearly you value your life. So if you're smart you'll tell me what I want to know. Or you'll be dead in seconds.
Nice try, I know won't just let me die.Then how will you find who you're looking for?

Hs was right. At the moment Xena had no other way to find Gabrielle as quickly as she needed to. She knew that this wasn't the way she was going to get the information she needed. Xena released the hold.
(Laughing) I knew it. You're too soft. I told you couldn't make me do anything.

Xena glared at him with a icey cold stare.
I only stopped because the dead can't talk. And like you said, I need you alive to find out what I need to know.
You still think I'm going to tell you anything? Even after you're threats of killing me failed. You're a fool.

Xena Clenched her fist, as he mocked her.
The only one that's a fool here is you.

Xena grabbed the follower and slammed him hard up against a tree. Then she threw him to the ground. She stood above him, looking down, her rage boiling over. She didn't have time for this. She knew that time was running out for Gabrielle. She had to find her fast. Xena grabbed his cloak, forcing him to his feet. Xena knew for what she was about to do she was going to have to tap into a part of herself that she had hoped to leave behind her forever. Xena was prepared to let a bit of her former self seep back in. She was going to need the cold, calculated, relentlessness that the part of her once had. She was going to save Gabrielle. And she was willing to do anything to do it. Even if it meant temporarily diverging from her path of redemption.
(thinking to herself) I'll save you Gabrielle. Whatever it takes.


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