Chapter 1

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Lee Moon Young POV

[1 week before the farewell party]
How did it all start?

Leaving my family to pursue my dream? Joining my dream company? Encountering Jay? I don't know about that but my life's been a mess since the beginning.

Spent half of my life trying to make my parents proud of me, and the other half, satisfying my boss.

And then my heart said surprise! We're both failing in our jobs!!

I sighed looking at my medical report. I'm still young though. I looked outside the window. It's Monday afternoon, chilly, and the city life living the way it does. The birds sang their lovely song. Clouds were as if someone drew them. Such minor things calm an individual's heart. Yet mine wasn't calm enough. Selfish.

The doctor suggested I should resign from my job and do something stress-free. Nothing is stress-free in this world. Artist, barista, librarian, office employee, whatever it is. It is never stress-free. I'll wait for a few weeks then I'll break this news to my coworkers. Or I should just disappear without a word? Well, I should resign first.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my favorite mug from the top shelf. I have to lower my intake. That means one cup each morning? But I need a few more cups while working. Oh! and also when I come back home I need another cup to continue working at home. How am I supposed to lower it? It's like an addiction.

~그 무엇도 그 무엇도
사람 마음 같지 않아서
같은 시선 다른 마음
너무 달고 너무 쓰다 ~

My phone rang making me jump.

Life's bittersweet.

I picked up the call. It was Ari. "Hello." I said. Voice as soulless as it could be. I pretended to be sick, I don't need to pretend anymore though.

"You okay?" She asked worriedly. "Jay asked about you." She said in a low whisper tone.

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes. "Again acting like he cares?" I said forgetting about the acting-to-be-sick part.

"Yea. What shook me the most was how genuine he sounded. Is miss moon young okay? Is she hurt somewhere?." She imitated him.

I gagged.

Since day one, he acted weird. At first, I thought he was just a workaholic and yes he did turn out a workaholic but also a clean freak. As soon as I shook hands with him. He jerked it off, washed his goddamn hands, and wore gloves. And for the next few months, he kept those gloves. Everyone thought those gloves were glued to his hands.

"He's such a player. My oh my." I can feel Ari shaking her head. "Anyways I'll talk to you later. Take care. Mwah!" And with that, she hung up the call.

Hmm. I should resign. Yes, I should. I definitely should. And I definitely will. I'll be free from his fake ass.

I decided to take a walk around the nearby park. I gathered some essential stuff, wore my shoes, and left for the park. There are So many things I never focused on. Now I can.


When I reached the park I saw a few kids running around, laughing and giggling, but 2 kids were sitting and writing something on a piece of paper. I walked up to them and found them making a bucket list. It included all things a child would want to do. From having ice cream every day to going on to the Ferris Wheel with their family. These kids unconsciously made me smile.

Bittersweet (Jay ff) Where stories live. Discover now