They hear you talking bad about yourself

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-gives you the "shut the fuck up" look
-tells you your pretty/handsome everyday
-kisses your whole face over and over again
-tells you that your the most beautiful/handsome person in this cruel stupid world

-asks you why you think that
-reassures you that your perfect in her eyes
-feels terrible that she hasn't made it clear that your beautiful/handsome no matter what
-tells you your beautiful/handsome more often

-is confused on why you think that
-tells you that your perfection
-tells you your are the most perfect person in this entire world and you should think other-wise
-kisses where ever you think is ugly

-kisses every inch of you if that's what it takes to make you feel beautiful/handsome
-makes you feel like the prettiest person in the world
-instead of calling you pretty/beautiful/handsome he calls you perfect and hottie
-hates that you think bad of yourself
-wish's you could see yourself through his eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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