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Name: Cindy


Sexuality: Bisexual


Gender: Female


About: She's a Softie and she's really nice. She usually dates girls, but will date guys if needed to. She usually wears light colors, but never wears orange. She likes to be called C.C (Doesn't stand for Crying Child lol) since her last name is Campbell, and doesn't like to be called Cindy Lou Who. She also likes Tik Tok, Instagram, and Twitter!


Favorite drink: Strawberry milk!


Favorite Animal(s): Frog, axolotl, and Husky


And that's all for the first Character! Idk if I said this, but REQUESTS ARE OPEN TO ALL!!!!! *^^* Have an amazing Day/Afternoon/evening/night!


~Gacha Art By: MushroomCutie111223!(That's Me!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя