chapter 1

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"if there was a gummy-eating competition, you will always be in first place no matter what." -P


Pietro's age: 27
Anastasia's age: 21

Pietro's P.O.V:

I shook a bag filled with a specific someone's favourite snack, and within seconds she came rushing down the stairs like a dog greeting an owner it hadn't seen in a while.

She was about to grab the bag but I lifted the bag higher, above my head. I knew she couldn't get it, unless she somehow finds a way to climb like a koala bear.

"Pietro, pleaseeeeee." Anastasia jumped up and down on the spot, her hand constantly reaching up for the bag but it was way too high up and out of her reach.

"Oh Ana, I never play nice." I smirked, which made her roll her eyes at me like she always does. I love the way she gets annoyed at me, sometimes it's pretty cute when she start throwing mini fits around.

"Mom! Pietro is bullyin-" Anastasia tried to yell to her mom in the kitchen, but her scream was soon muffled by my hand. My hand was pretty much the size of her whole face, so it made the job easy.

"Mhm...mhm mhm!" Anastasia tried to speak through the temporary barrier, but she only heard little chuckles from the kitchen as a reply from her mom.

I giggled along as well, realising how powerless she was in my hands. She turned to look at me, with those eyes I always forget to tell her are the most beautiful and mesmerising pair of eyes I have ever seen in a human. I could fall into the deep Atlantic Ocean her eyes created and wouldn't care to get out of it.

As much as I love to annoy her, she was my first girl best friend, as well as my only. There is no one else that could be worthy of competing for that spot. It was rightfully hers, which was what she told me from the first day I knew her.

I pulled her close to my chest, Ana still struggling to set herself free from my pair of mighty arms. She glanced at me once more, this time I felt her lips shift into a pout against the palm of my hand.

"You're lucky I like spoiling you." I scoffed sarcastically before placing the bag of gummy worms right in front of her face. She instantly snatched it out of my hands, like the eager beaver she is with her gummies, and started savouring them, worm by worm.

"Shank ku." Anastasia tried to pronounce 'thank you', but the gummies probably got in the way. I patted her head, messing it up a little because I knew she would get pissed.

She boxes me on my arm, this time a little harder than I remembered it being. She was getting stronger. The little Ana I knew was growing up.

"Sooner or later I might need to get you a punching bag or I might get bruises on my arm in the near future. This year's birthday gift perhaps?" I smiled cheekily, Anastasia doesn't hesitate to pull my cheeks, stretching and pinching them until they started hurting.

"You never get me any good birthday gifts. So far it's been a roll of toilet paper, a Rubik's cube you know I can never solve, an empty ink cartridge for a pen I don't even use as well as one side of a pair of used socks. Gross." Anastasia sighed, "at this rate, anything could top those. Even if you give me nothing, I would be pleasantly surprised that it isn't something nasty."

"Woah, woah. Someone is not being appreciative about my thoughtful gifts. Toilet paper is handy, everyone needs it when they do their business. I gave you a Rubik's cube because I heard once it helped with nuturing problem solving skills. As for the sock, I thought it would be nice to give you something that would always remind you of me." I smiled in glee, pleased with the list of reasons (and totally not excuses) that I came up on the spot.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 14 ⏰

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