viii| Pt. 2

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Acia Pov

We had just left chipotle on our way to the studio. Until this crazy child screamers. Causing Sean to come to a complete stop at the corner of the street. "What happened!" Sean and I both said while turning around to a bug eyed Rayne. "Change of location." I gave her a deadpan look. She was such a drama queen screaming like she was being stabbed to death. "Girl if you ever scream like that again while I'm driving I will end you." Sean hissed. "Sorry." she slouched in her sear. We continued to the studio to grab equipment and whatever else she needed. "So where is this new location?" I asked. "It's at this gym in Manhattan." She said slinging her camera bag over her shoulder and looking at her phone. "Why do we have to change?" i asked a little irritated that we have move around some more. "I guess this photo shoot is for Men's Health magazine the newest issue." she said slightly irritated with my continual questions. "Can we get going i'm ready to get to my bed." Sean complained.


Rayne Pov

When we pulled up in front of the gym the nervous butterflies came back again. I was going insane trying to stay calm and not spazz. I Finally reach one of my life dreams. I can finally cross this off my bucket list. Photography Justin Bieber CHECK. Once we open the doors the smell of day old socks and sweaty men and women hit me making me scrunch up my nose. I went to the front desk looking for where Justin was. I was pointed towards the back. Once i saw that picture quiff i knew where he was. He soon noticed Acia, Sean, and I walking towards him and gave us a slight wave and his award winning smile. I would of dropped my camera bag if Acia and Sean hadn't brought me back into reality. We finished our short journey towards him and his crew. "Hey Rayne right?" Justin asked. "Yeah so w-where d-do you w-want to s-start?" i asked and i mentally slapped myself for stuttering. But who wouldn't when you're in the presence of Justin Bieber come on now. "How bout at the pull up bar." he suggested. I bent down to my camera bag and began to get my camera out. After adjusting some of the settings i looked up about to ask him something but stopped mid-sentence. He stood in front of me shirtless in all his glory. I couldn't form the words i once wanted to speak. Lord Give Me Strength. "S-so u-mm i'm just going to snap pictures as you go through your work out." I said kind of proud i didn't stutter through out the whole sentence. Today was going to be a long day if he stayed shirtless the whole time.


"So the pictures turned out really well."

"Yeah they did, you're a really great photographer"

"Thanks that means a lot coming from you."

I couldn't believe i was actually having a normal conversation with The Justin Bieber.

"So umm do you want me to send the pictures your manager or to you via email."

"How about you just hold on to those and i'll be in touch with you how i want them to be transferred over."

"Ok umm well nice doing business with you Mr. Bieber."

I stuck my hand out for a professional hand shake. He soon grabbed my hand and a chill ran down my back. He pulled me forward in almost one of those bro hugs but he whispered in my ear.

" The pleasures all mine love but call me Justin."

He pulled away and winked at me causing me to blush and look down at my shoes. Those butterflies came back again. I turned to grab my bag only to come face to face with a smirking Sean and Acia. I looked down again feeling my cheeks heat up. Today wasn't so bad after all.


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