Operation LOS/1

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Not sure where to start this... guess I'll do a small introduction. I'm not really allowed to say my name, or who I'm working for so this is a shitty introduction. This is an audio log of our current operation, Operation: LOS. LOS stands for Leak On Sodor. Basically, my boss has some unfinished business with the island's conductor, so we're planning on ruining Sodor and killing all the inhabitants and taking it over. For this, we'll need a killing machine. We already have 3 separate dosages of [REDACTED], so all we need to do is capture an engine. Shouldn't be too hard... our current target is the island's number 1, Thomas. He's meant to pull the mail train, so we'll attack him when we can

"Sodor: Leakage": Operation LOS - Audio LogsWhere stories live. Discover now