Operation LOS/17

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Our creature has caught it's... what was it? 9th prey. Or at least, it almost did. While hiding in a siding, the engine known as "James" rushed by, so our creature gave chase. Despite his mutations, our creature could only go at the same speed as the engine. However, it's tendrils helped it catch up with James. Unfortunately, our creature got tired and had to slow down to not waist it's stamina. But to our luck, the engine crashed into some trucks of tar, and derailed. Our creature caught up to it, and man did it go out. It crushed the engine's outside and ripped off the engine's jaw. Unable to flee, James could only wait for the killing blow. However, right as our creature was going to finish James off, a mutated number 2 rushed by. And our creature assumed that James was able to get back onto the rails and make a run for it, chased after number 2. We won't bother going back, as the engine's wounds are too fatal for it to survive. One engine down, more to go...

"Sodor: Leakage": Operation LOS - Audio LogsWhere stories live. Discover now