Chapter 3

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She briskly stand up, and use her trembling hand to cover her mouth in a frighten way. No Simwal will never be one of those monsters, I know him very well, he can't even kill an ant, talk less of killing human, because who ever live with those monsters surely in one way or the other he must do that forbidden act. Simwal will never be one of them....

"in fact, I'm the person that shoot your mom to dead!!!"

Everything stop, her breath, her heartbeat, the time and even the earth stop revolving for some seconds, before she came back to the world again. She took some moments to digest each and every thing he said. He killed her Mama? Ohh noo!!. The room started spinning around her, she suddenly feel dizziness and she stumble back to the chair.
"innalillahi wa innailaihi raji'un" is all what she could say at this moment.

"I don't even know how succeeded in leaving this state" he said in a thoughtful way

Of course, it was a miracle that she succeeded in leaving the state. How could she forget the beginning of her misery, of course she can remember each and every event that happened from that instant of to today.

At that fateful night, she ran, she ran until she felt she cannot run any more, she manage to settle beside one of the trees she saw. She sat their quietly as her mind drifted to what happened an hour or is it hours she don't know. Ohh Mama, she left her their all alone, what type of inhumanity is this, she left her mother with those monsters, "ohh may God, I don't know what type of child l am, I left her their.." she weep, ".. if such a thing happen to me, I know she will never leave  me all alone with those monsters, she will go to mountain to see she protected me..." she pause and raise her hands up, "ya Allah, please don't punish me on that,ya Allah I'm seeking for your forgiveness and your mercy, ohh God have mercy on my Mother, my father, my siblings and all Muslims ummah" she prayed.

Her mind drifted back to her mother again. she was in deep thought, a dog bark snap her out of her trance, if she wasn't in this horrible situation she might have run, because she really fear dogs or should she say she hated them, but not now, there is nothing she will fear more than the horrible incident that happened earlier, she stare at the barking dog and say "do you want to scare me? Just go, I'm not in the mood" does the dog understand what she just said, and  agree to do as she wished? She don't know, she just saw him quietly turn and leave. She don't give it a damn attention because she has a lot to think  of.

Now how is she going to leave this state, she has nothing with her except those jewelry.... Ohh no!!, she don't even think that those jewelry are a great help for her until know. She made her mind that in the early morning she will go and sell the ring, she is sure it will be sufficient to take her out of this state, her hometown!!

She left the tree side at first dawn, with the intention of selling ring. Every where is silent, there is no one in the street, she started to feel scare, but manage to keep on going. At the end of the street, she saw an elderly man, she increase her pace and finally catch up with him. "Ina Kwana Baba" she greeted.

With a smile the elderly man answered "Lpy lau ƴata"  she bow her head down and fidget with her fingers.
with a concern look the elderly man ask with a soft tone "what are you doing here all alone my daughter?, it is not good for a lady like you to be out of her home at this hour, or is something happened to you? ".
Of course she don't want to narrate anything to anyone, so she just ignore his questions and instead she said

" please can you help me with water? I haven't pray"

" of course why not, I'm also from mosque. Please follow me my house is not far"  she stared at him hesitantly. He smile and add with " don't worry, I will not harm you"

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