Chapter 1

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"No Why are you leaving me again? This is the 5th time this week" Maria asked

"Ill be at work" Jun said as he got his computer.

"Fine , what time are you coming back?" Maria asked

"Whenever I want to" He answered and went out.

Maria got bored at home and wanted to surprise her boyfriend.

" Babe!-" Maria yelled but she saw what she didn't think would happen , but her friend Jennie was making out with Jun.

"Ain't no fucking way you here" Jun yelled out will Jennie was still on his desk.

"Yes way , why would you do this to us? And your my best friend why?" Maria asked

" He was bored with you anyway" Jennie answered back and pulled down her skirt a bit.

" We are done Maria, I wanted to tell you earlier but you're to caught up in your tv show, that I could cheat and do whatever " he answered.

" You thought I'm some sick bitch on the couch? " Maria asked

"Yes" he answered and left

Maria started crying hard about it.
And all she could do was leave .
But what made it worse
Is that him and Jennie where home.

"excuse me!" Maria yelled

"Excuse me? excuse Us!" Jun yelled

" This is my home!" Maria yelled and packed Jun's bag

" Dumbass I paid for this" he said while laughing

" Fine whatever! " Maria said threw all of Jun's clothes on the floor and packed her bags with as much she can.

" Just a nutshell " Jennie said to Jun while rubbing his balls.

" I'm leaving and don't ever expect me to come back! " Maria yelled.

" No one asked!" Jun shouted.

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