The Christmas Cold

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The idea of being off school sick was my worst nightmare. I was a year away from sitting my GCSE's and had picked the subjects I wanted to study, Separate Science and Health and social were my main choices. Everybody else had started to think about A levels or college after Year 11 and we were only just starting out in Year 10. I had it set in stone, I would stay at Sixth form after my GCSE's and then go on to Uni, didn't have a clue which one but it would obviously be in the Health Sciences sector but hopefully Midwifery. I was smart enough so hopefully I would be lucky enough to get a place. Meanwhile I was laid on our blue 2 seater forcing down as many satsumas I could stand, all 3 dogs around me for comfort. It's some type of horrible cold that's going round, nobody else seems to have it in the house but me though but I'm very rarely sick and it's almost Christmas break so one day won't hurt hence the crazy amount of satsumas. Even though the days were alot shorter due to the season mine were even more short because my bed seemed to be the only place I was comfortable.

The next day I dragged myself up at 0700am to get ready for one of the few last days before school finished for christmas, them few days are always easy going, films, random colouring pages or just finishing off work ready to start new curriculum in the New year. I still didn't feel good and i had absolutely drenched the cuff of my school jumper in Olbas Oil so I was walking round like a very tired looking Eucalyptus plant but the cheese and bacon bagels in the school canteen were keeping me going, oh what beautiful balls of grease they were and no matter how hard i try now I still carnt make one the same. 

Urgghh 4pm is like the worst time of the day, you've just got home and there's not a right lot of tele, I dont like cheese strings or babybels anymore and no point eating anything interesting because I still couldn't taste anything. Mum would probably be cooking a stew or something because its "slow cooker weather" teenagers will never appreciate the godly act of a slow cooker, I definitely didnt. I only like the dumplings and to be honest even my step dad would smother his stew in tomato or brown sauce to hide his veggies.

Mum started getting abit wierd because my cold was taking longer to shift than normal even with all the vitamin C I was cramming in I just seemed to be getting worse. Out comes the big box from the medicine cupboard filled with throat lozenges, nasal sprays, cold and flu tablets, cough medicine, vapour rubs and Tiger Balms. Paracetamol and Iboprufens were like last resort, swallowing tablets isn't fun and it's a shame they didn't make a calpol strong enough for teens, I'd have guzzled the lot. Nope hot bath and hot water bottle for me, luckily I could get  decent channels on the TV in my bedroom so I could just lounge around in the dark watching Man vs Food or whatever else I fancied, I'd watch anything to avoid watching the crap my mum liked. I loved Man vs Food and I could only dream of the monstrosities he would feast upon, the giant burgers and smothered steaks and wings and massive desserts, I would be salivating but not this time, my stomach started to turn and I lost all interest in the loaded fries and giant ice creams, maybe the crap my mum likes wouldnt be so bad for one night.

School had finally broken up for the holidays and I was still riddled with germs. My head was heavy and my appetite had vanished, the sofa had become my favourite resting place because it was close to the kitchen and I seemed to be throwing water down my throat like nobodies business. But now when I think about it I could have just drank the water from the bathroom sink but the phlegm was obviously making its way to my brain and making me docile like a blanket of brain fog but oozy and green instead of cloudy and grey.
I decided I would try and visit my boyfriend today before Christmas but finding the energy to move and put shoes on felt impossible. Atleast I didn't have to walk, it was too cold for me to walk plus my mum had already lectured me about being out and about while I was unwell, she finally agreed to let me go because I said I would get a taxi there and back. It didn't half piss me off that she would try and tell me what to do ,I was 15, I could make my own decisions and look after myself, quite grown up for my age. Sometimes I was a bit too grown up, I had made the decision a few months prior to start having sex with my boyfriend, it was protected of course and he promised me if he pulled out it would be completely fine and he had done that with all his girlfriends so I trusted him. After all he had being doing it alot longer than I had, I was a complete amateur to the Dance with no pants. It made me feel so mature though, very lady like and delicate, it was very vanilla and very straight to the point. I was happy having sex but butt stuff was out of the question, everytime it was mentioned by him all the rumours that would float around school about the girls who did anal for a dare would flood into my little teenage brain and I'd instantly see their mascara smudged faces and hear how their lives would be forever ruined over a rumour.

Once I got out the taxi at his house I made a beeline for the sofa, he took one look at me and announced that we needed to go to the shop, I reluctantly followed. The air was so bitter outside and I was wrapped up in as many layers as possible 1. To keep the cold out and 2. To try sweat out as many germs as I could stand. We reached the shop and I picked up my usual drink as he wandered down a different aisle. He called my name over the shelves so I walked towards the sound of his voice, he was stood infront of the pregnancy tests! "You need one of these, when was your last period?" I honestly couldn't remember when my last period was maybe October or something and it was odd that I hadn't noticed I'd completely missed one and then it hit me. We picked up 2 boxes with 2 tests in each and walked back with rockets up our arses. I was shitting myself! I could not be pregnant, I was 15, my mum would kill me! I did the first 2 tests together incase I didn't have it in me to wee again and left them on the fireplace, 2 minutes passed and the 2 red lines couldn't have been any thicker or darker on both, FUCK. I was pregnant and pregnant as shit apparently. He rang his mum to tell her and she sounded over joyed, why the fuck would you be over joyed that your 17 year old son had gotten his 15 year old student girlfriend up the duff ? She rushed home to watch me do the other 2 tests In case I did them wrong, I mean they aren't hard to do you just take the stick out and wee on it, pretty hard to get wrong. So she gave me a container to wee in so she could dip them herself. So I emptied my bladder again and she dipped and low and behold... Positive..again. Everybody in the room was ecstatic, apart from me, all I could think about was what the hell I'm going to tell my Mum and most importantly how the hell i was going to tell her...

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