Christmas Eve Eve

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I had to go home at some point, it was Christmas Eve Eve, the night before Christmas eve. Mum would be making last minute changes to the tree, wrapping presents and bringing down more Christmas goodies. The house would be filled with tubs of Quality streets, Celebrations, Candy Canes, all kinds of nuts, nibbly bits in big decorative boxes that were brought out only in December. But I couldn't just go home and not say anything, I had a boyfriend and his mum who were over the moon about the recent news, my head felt like a giant cotton wool ball about it and my mum was none the wiser. So I did what any teenager would do, I sent a text, "Hi mum sorry I just found out I'm pregnant and his mum said I can live here and I'm sorry I didn't know and I don't have to come home tonight I can stay here". 5 minutes was all it took for a reply, "I think you should come home now Sophie". FUCK, this is going to end well, it carnt end well, she's just found out her 15 year old daughter is pregnant, I just found out I'm pregnant, I'm.. going.. to be..a mum. A fucking mum at 15? Jesus christ, what the fuck am I gonna do about school? Money? Do I even know how to change a babies nappy? Is my boyfriend going to be arrested? Probably not that's abit over the top but still. I took the dress taxi ride home, walked through the garden gate as usual, I just need to make it to the back garden gate to get in the door. I stood at the side of the house for what felt like hours till it stated to spit with rain, of course it started raining its December after all, perfect British winter weather. "Are you coming in then?" Ahh she can see me, guess I'll have to go in and just take what's coming next like a trooper. Got in, took my coat off, sat down just like I would do normally. Mum's been crying which isn't surprising, more likely shock and anger though, I really dont think she would shed tears of joy over me being up the duff with my 17 year boyfriend who she absolutely despised.

There wasn't really much left to do, Mum obviously hated me now, my step dad couldn't look at me and my brother is way to young to understand. Meanwhile my boyfriend is overjoyed at the fact he is going to be a Dad. I.... couldn't have felt more alone in the world if I tried, The pregnant teenager.... the pregnant 15 year old. It was no longer just me, there was somebody else to consider, somebody else to care for and my decisions no longer just influenced my life.

The next few days were incredibly painful. I was still sick but the idea of being a mum was now swirling round my head like the contents of my stomach. I couldn't keep anything down and I lived in my bedroom with the curtains drawn. I thought if I could shut out the daylight then the time would never pass and the sun would never set, giving me an infinity amount of time to mull things over. People were beginning to find out about my pregnancy and emotions were mixed. I recieved threats from some and others would gush over the idea of a baby, I was slightly excited too but you wouldn't say I was ecstatic. Pregnancy is meant to be magical and filled with rainbows and butterflies and never ending congratulations, I don't think my pregnancy is going to be easy and I definitely don't think it's going to be normal.

Mum forced me to make a Doctors appointment and I obliged, I would do anything to keep the peace right now, I just wanted to feel well again. The Dr proceeded to give me some Folic acid tablets alongside asking me a few questions about my situation, never been soo embarrassed in all my life! I may be pregnant but I'm still a teenage girl, teens are always so closed up and cocky. Mum hated my attitude as a teen and she would always remind me *rolls eyes*. I answered the Dr's questions and listened to his instructions, he did say that I'd feel abit better in a few days and it was just a bad case of stomach flu with morning sickness on top. Also can we just talk about how morning sickness is pretty much all day! I feel like it isn't spoken about enough but honestly I felt rough for ages! Oh well, next few weeks should get better and this might be the worst part of my pregnancy journey... I hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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