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"I'm not letting you leave so easily."

The words swung around my head. Making me dizzy as they spin. My legs sloppily hitting the ground. Pain shooting up my right leg every step. I can still taste the blood from when I was hit in the jaw.

I can just hear his laugh. I remember walking out that place with Izzy as if it was yesterday. But no. It's been years. I'm only fifteen and I already hate living.

I feel as if I have been through enough. But I won't give up. My sister needs me. I need to stay alive.

I looked up from the sand and dirt. Finding a telephone. A sigh escaped my lips as I stumble over and call for a taxi. Resting my head on the cool glass of this desert once the phone call is over.

I sucked air harshly though my teeth when I tried to shift my weight. How long am I going to survive this hell? My hands gripping the booth shakily. Begging someone to be here already.

I stumble out and lost my balance falling to the ground. I shook my head and looked up the sun rising slowly to my right. I scoff softly, lifting myself from the ground and wiping the sand off my skin.

I leaned on the booth. The bandanna over my nose to keep me safe. I flipped my hood up carefully and then looked to my right where soft music played.

There was a taxi. I sigh in relief and limp over. I got in and handed the money over quietly to this... Strange driver. He took the money and I buckle up.

"..before we go. I should let you know I have some, anger management issues. Now you know." He explains quickly.

That's easy to avoid.. plus. as long as I get to clean myself up after today. I feel like I can deal with a awkward taxi ride.

"So.. Where are you heading with happy taxi today?" He asks in a monotone voice...
"..The nearest motel." I admit.

"Then that's where we'll head." He says in a mutter.

I can tell he is staring at me. I only adjust my bandanna as my eyes avoid his own. Heading towards the window.

Soon we started to drive. The window rolled up between us... it made me feel safer. My shoulders relaxing slightly. I watch as the world flew past outside. My eyes feeling hard to keep open, but I refuse to let them shut.

Keeping them focused on the horizon. Watching the sunrise and imagining myself walking towards the sun. Near almost touching it. Feeling the harsh burn melt my skin away.

But I only shake my head and looked around. The dinosaur magazines caught my eye. I picked one up, seeing a brontosaurus on the front. I placed it back because I kinda felt guilty picking it up.

Even if it's for entertainment. I had so much blood and dirt on me. I feel bad if I ruin it. I looked around a bit more. Finding a small dinosaur toy behind me and plant. Also a coin, but I just look away.

Suddenly the noise of the window rolling down caught my attention. I look over kind of startled by the noise.

"I saw you looking at my mags." His voice nearly caught my off guard.

"Are you a fan of dinosaurs? I won't get angry if you aren't." He asks once its down.
".." I nearly look around to see who's he's talking to before I realize it's me..

"Uhm. Yeah, I like the brontosaurus." I admit.

Of course he's talking to me. I need to get out of my head sometimes... Be more social. If I really almost looked around a taxi... I should just avoid them if this happens again.

"Good. Speaking of Dino's. Have you heard this movie that came out, Gigantic Park?" He asks.
"Yea.. I haven't seen it though." I admit.

"Mmm." He looks up to his mirror, looking right at me.

He has it pointed at me... Strange.

"Hey, Lean forward. I want to show you something." He says.

I almost tried not to. But I did and noticed something on the passenger seat. What ever it was. It's bulky and definitely something.

"That's a portable VCR. Now I can watch tapes whenever I want." He explains.
"When GP comes out on VHS in Petria, I'll watch it everyday." He adds.

"Nice VCR." I nod along.

I really can't tell if this guy is going to straight up call my dad to get me in a minute, or if he really is just some dude who is trying to be... Distracting? Friendly? I can never tell..

"My daughter would have loved Gigantic Park." Oh shit, the girl is dead..
"I.. I see." I noticed the picture.

"But she passed away." He finished.

It.. That girl looks familiar but I can't place it.

"What was her name?" I ask trying to be subtle with looking at the photo.
"Lola." He replies.

"But I'll make it right." His head turning to me quickly, made me tense and stare back with wide eyes.

OH FUCK. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Holy crap. This is definitely the day I die.

"I.. I hope you do." I nod returning to the seat in the back and trying to look calm.

"And in the mean time. I won't think of that terrible thing that happened to her." He explains.
"I'd become very angry if I did." He warns looking back.


"Now.. You should take a snooze. Your a teen and your brain is still devolving." He says quickly.

I can hear my heart pound. Feeling it in my chest. I nearly want to cry, but my eyes are way to dry for that.

"Right.." I nod slowly.

I saw the pillow beside me but only leaned on the door and sighed softly. My eyes feel heavy.. I need this rest. My eyes fell slowly.

Let's just hope. When I wake up.. I'm not going to see my insane father...

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