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The road so far...

'Where is he?' Carmen questioned looking around the empty cell

'Hes gone ma'am.'

'Gone? Im his shrink i didnt say he could be released yet.' Carmen shouted. 'I said that he could be released one day. That day was not today!'

'He wasnt released he escaped.' The guard clarified 'you didn't hear all the sirens and alarms going off? There was a massive fight in the cafeteria, he must have gotten out then, all guards moved there no one was covering this corridor.' Carmen nodded understanding. 'you honestly didn't hear?'

'Fucking hell. He did it.'


'Well. Let me know if he pops up. As for now. Im outta here,' carmen said heading to her car.

'Petrova.' His voice a purr she had been wanting to hear it outside of the restraints of the cage he was confined to for so long. She spun around. A smug look on his handsome face. Nice clothes and shoes adorned his body.

'This look,' she waved a hand up and down. 'I like this better than the prison jumper.' She informed him. He said nothing just stepped closer. 'You look better in natural lighting as well.' she remarked, 'look you can grow, sunlight and all that.' she teased, still he got closer, a smile on his lips.

'Carmen?' bucky called confused but carmen couldnt hear him she was transfixed by the man she had spent the past year getting to know beyond a glass cage.

'The real world suits you.' she remarked a lump in her throat. He didnt speak. He didnt need to. He wrapped an arm around her pulling her to him. Lips mingling tongues exploring as she wrapped herself around him.

'Carmen!' Bucky shouted and zemo rested his forehead against hers.

'Ive been wanting to do that for ages.' he whispered against her.

'I can't be your doctor anymore." Carmen rasped.

"What?" Zemo questioned confused still holding onto her.

" We kissed. The grid of lines we've crossed is so far beyond ethical I can't see straight." Carmen told him simply.

'I think i can deal with that'. Zemo said. 'As long you provide another alternative for being in my life.'

'Come on you coming or not!' Bucky demanded. 'we gotta go!'

'Where are you going?' Carmen questioned breathlessly.

'Its gonna be stupid and reckless petrova. Probably want to stay clear.' sam informed her but that only made her more excited.

'Mandripoor my darling. Lovely place.' Zemo told her still not letting her go.

'Ive been to mandripoor i wouldnt call it lovely'. Carmen remarked.

'Come with us. I dont know how long i will get the sun on my face before they lock me up again. I want to spend this time with you. Outside of a cage. I want to show you the world while i still have breath in my lungs and a life worth living. Come with me. Please,' as he spoke his lips brushed against her and why on earth would she say no.

'When do we start?'

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