-}>Authors note<{-

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(Hello lovely readers! This is An authors note in which I'll be explaining the whole story a bit and some details to make it clear to you <3)

This is my first time publishing a story in Wattpad and I hope you'll like the story I've made. I don't expect this to get so many readers but this is for fun and to share what I've wrote.

This story is about my Character Gabriela Madrigal, yes a madrigal, basically the story is all about her life as a madrigal and this is just the beginning, I'll be starting some one shots where she shares her life as a Madrigal but that'll be in future chapters ;) anyways back to the story.


I'm not gonna go to much in depth about the explanation because I'll be writing the sort of prologue somewhere in the mid middle of the story. 


{Gabriela Madrigal}

This story takes place before the events. Gabriela isn't the Second child of  Julieta when Agustín, younger sister of  Isabela and Luisa And Older sister of Mirabel. In addition to being the nephew of Pepa, Bruno and Félix, Gabriela is also the cousin of Dolores,Camilo and Antonio. She is Dolores Third younger cousin and Antonio's And Camilo's third-oldest cousin and is One year older to him and Mirabel and shared the nursery together for One to Two years. 

In Gabriela's fifth birthday, she received the gift of Telekinesis and she subsequently moved out of the nursery and into her own room. Gabriela has gone through hard times and doesn't show much emotions And While Gabriela's Gift wasn't as helpful in the village she mostly spend time in her room Alone and Help her Mama Cook and do chores around Casita. She doesn't have a lot of responsibilities like the others with the main reason being it'll be safer for everyone else as what her Abuela always says. 


Gabriela herself is very Insecure and Has Social anxiety which means her thoughts are constantly attacking her that everyone's is judging her when she goes to town as oppose to what what she used to be before. Before Mirabel wasn't able to Be blessed with a gift and all harsh attention was onto her, Gabriela Is basically What Gives them a bad reputation at least it's what Alma Abuela told her, in which is the reason why Gabriela avoids social gatherings and celebrations, Alma Always assume that Gabriela will bring nothing but Drama and Bad reputation for the Family's good name. Being treated this way in a Young age changes her as she gets older. 

Maybe it is true that Being hurt in such a young age damage you and change you completely... 

Or maybe it's just a Tall hill she needs to climb through to go back in a smooth road..



Just to be clear Camilo and Gabriela's relationship is a cousin relationship, not in a romantic way, though it might seem like they love each other dearly but it's only because as a family not Gf, Bf I based this on my own experience of having a loving cousin relationship. The story just Focus on Gabriela's side of traumas and Insecurities and Camilo being by her side as she develop as a new perso, Gabriela is also close with her younger sister Mirabel in which she loves dearly(Isabela isn't also harsh on her but I'll explain it along the way).

That's all i have to say for then explanation.

[the first few chapters are a bit cringy I must say cause it's bee rushed and I was very new but I think I improved so if you find the first few chapters a bit off I'm sorry but please continue reading cause I did improved]


Quick ps- I almost pulled all my hair out calculating their ages to make sense  T^T even need help from my friends  

Gabriela is 17 years old And the rest of the characters are their age in the day Encanto is released, Mirabel is 15, Camilo is 15, Antonio is 5, Luisa is 19, You get the idea. And above is my art of Gabriela. 

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