|>{•It all went well•}<|

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>•¦Capitolo Dos¦•<



"actually on second thought maybe I'll change my mind" she said calmly but deeply down she was Nervously trying to be calm

"no" he said flatly

"Come on you know you can do it, just don't be like so paranoid it'll be fine"

She sighed

"you wanted to change then I'll help you, but you can't always expect me to be able to help cause in order to change, you have to Change in your own way" Camilo finished. Though she promised to she'll find another reason to not go, even if it'll probably make Camilo upset.

It's just that it's easy to say it in words but it's difficult to do it physically and that's what's bothering her...


The sun was setting and music was already playing in the courtyard, people started to gather, talking and greeting eachother.

Outside Casita Luisa and Camilo were assigned to greet the town coming outside, Julieta was still busy cooking More batch of food, Isabela as usual was entertaining the people while they wait for the ceremony to start.

Mirabel after finding Antonio came down to see if she help out with something.

>Outside of Casita<

Outside of Casita, Camilo and Luisa are greeting everyone coming For they were assigned to. During greeting the town Camilo realized his prima isn't there yet, he looked around for her but it seemed she's no where to be found. 

For a while he kept looking for her she hasn't changed change ehe mind has she? He thought. He soon spotted Mirabel coming out and called out for her 

"Hey Mira!" Getting her attention he walked towards her "Have you seen Gabi?" 

The girl fix her glasses, looking around for her sister "I don't think so. She's probably in her room"

"And here i thought she'd finally gave in" he says, his hand on his hip 

"why?" Mirabel asked, confused 

"Well earlier we were having a chat about... you know her issue, and I told her that I'll help her to be more sociable, and to start she'll greet the townspeople with me and Luisa"

After Finishing As to why, Mirabel crossed her arm she  "Sound like something she'll avoid doing" 

"Yeah I know... I thought she'd gave in just this once but apparently I'm wrong" 

He stayed silent for a while, "I'm not giving up on that Conejo, There's gotta be some way that'll convince her"

"Come on Milo you know her she'll always find reasons to avoid socializing with people, no matter how hard We try" Says Mirabe making it clear for him, but just like her sister this boy is even more stubborn 

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