Chapter One - Mavis

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Mavis fingered the small, silver circle she kept beside her bed. A red light was visible in its centre, slowly flicking on and off. Instinctively, her hand reached up to the back of her neck, feeling the rough surface of a scar. It irked her to think the device had once been buried in the back of her neck — a tracker. Everyone had them.

She had learned of it the hard way, on one of her first late-night expeditions. When guards had instantly intercepted her, she had been angered, but not surprised, to learn that the authorities knew exactly where everyone was, at all times.

Except, they didn't.

After narrowing down on its location, Mavis had cut out the device herself. It had hurt — but it was worth it. Now, she went where she pleased. All she had to do was leave the tracker in her room.

After her expedition to the restricted zone, the girl had been able to sneak back into the city and to her house without running into a single guard. The night had been perfect and she reminded herself she'd have many much more exciting ones after she escaped.

Pulling on her flats that she had made sure to clean, Mavis slipped the tracker into her left shoe, manoeuvring it so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable. That way, when she went to school, she wouldn't arouse any suspicion.

"Mavis, are you ready to leave?" A voice echoed from the other side of her closed door — her mother's.

She got to her feet, smoothing down her school uniform. It was a simple white dress, accompanied by a grey pair of stockings and cardigan that bore a small embroidered flag on the upper right chest pocket.

"I'm ready," she said, opening the door and stepping into the kitchen.

Her mother gave her a small smile, but her eyes, like always, were blank. The only resemblance they bore to Mavis' was their colour - a messy, dappled green.

"Have a good day at school." She said, and Mavis nodded slightly.

She said the same thing every day. 

"Goodbye, mother." Mavis gave her one last look before she walked past towards the door, watching as the woman retreated back into the kitchen to resume cleaning up from breakfast.

Her mother was like most people in the city. Because of what the government preached, she had the inability to feel any sort of desire. Hell, she couldn't feel much of anything. 

Don't feel. Conquer your emotions. They are dangerous.

Mavis sighed and wondered if they would say anything else to each other before she left that night. Giving herself no more time to dwell on the thought, the girl looked up to the small screen on the door of their small home. She pulled down on the door handle and her own face sprung to life. A brief flash came across her eyes, and suddenly, her vitals were displayed.

"Please take your medication before you leave the house," a robotic voice droned and a small window opened beside the screen, giving way to a single white pill.

Mavis reached forward and took the 'medication', screwing up her nose as she looked down at it. The pill was supposed to keep a person's emotions under control, and every citizen had to take it before they left home. Mavis knew it was just another controlling tactic from the government - a way to ensure 'chaos' wouldn't take control ever again.

"Please take your medication." The robot droned again and the girl rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." She muttered and downed the small capsule dry.

There was another flash and the robot made a satisfied sound before the door opened. Mavis muttered under her breath and stepped out, the cool air hitting her like a wall. She shivered, tugging the cuffs of her cardigan down until they fully covered her wrists. It was getting colder in the city of Zeia.

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