Part 10

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Before jungkook could talk ,Jimin
Phone ranged showing Tae's name
Jungkook panicked looking at Jimin

D-don't a-answer p-please !
He chocked and his breath got heavy
He was having a panic attack.
Jimin freaked he got on his knees
So koo can look at his face,he held koo
Hand and rubbed his knee.

Kookie shhh kookie look it's okay I'll not answer it ok!
Jimin tried to Calm the boy down.

Baby I'll not answer see shh
Try to breath bun take a deep breath !

H-hurts h-hurts!! He sobbed

Your chest oh wait.
Jimin ran to the kitchen.
he got a glass filled with water
As he ran back to koo and made him drink some.

Shh bun I'm here breath kookie.
Jimin embraced him in his arms.
Koo put his head on Jimin chest
And his tears kept falling but he
Could breath normally now!!

You are okay kookie ?!
The boy just nodded still hugging Jimin.

Jimin phone rang again, they both looked at it and koo flinced when he saw the name again.

I have to answer baby
He might be worried for you
I'll not say anything to him until we talk it out okay kookie.

Koo nodded getting away from Jimin arms as jimin attended the call
And put it on speaker. 

Jimin...Jimin is jungkook with you He is not in school
nor with the driver.

Relax Tae he is with me.

Then why the fuvk you didn't say that Huh?! why didn't you pick your damn phone?! and where the hell is he, I want to talk to him now!!! Tae said abit yelling
Which scared koo.

Shut it up,first listen to me
I wasn't near the phone so I couldn't Pick up the call and second kookie is in bathroom he can't talk to you!!
And third Mr Kim don't you fuvking dare to raise your annoying voice on me....
see you home!

Jimin hung up the call huffing and rolling his eyes.

Koo looked at him with wide doe eyes
While sniffing.

I-I'm s-sorry u-uncle c-chim.
He said lowly.

Oh my baby why you are apologizing
It's okay now come
let's wash you up
And get you something to eat so
We can talk it out okay hmm!!

Koo nodded as jimin pat his head
While smiling.

Oh my god my dare that basterd to even lay a finger on you.
Jimin hugged sobbing koo to his chest
As they where sitting in living room
And koo told Jimin everything that happened

M-mark h-hyung saved me a-and drove me here.

So that the guy who helped you.

Hmm he I-is my f-friend.

Oh he is a good guy.

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