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You were so tired. You were on the brink of exhaustion, and the sun had just set not too long ago. Trapped in the small room that gradually resembled a prison more and more with each passing day, you felt as if you were losing your mind, your sanity slowly slipping out of reach.

You were curled up in a ball on the bed, hugging your legs to your chest, undressed, but also untied. To your surprise, your body was relatively clean, and you noticed that your ribcage was bandaged up, any traces of blood wiped clean off your body. It almost appeared as if nothing had happened, but you could still see the bruises on your hips, your knees, your torso, along with scabbed over cuts that decorated your once pristine skin.

There was no one else in the room. It was the first time you had been left unwatched for over a minute, save for when Hoodie made breakfast. You wondered if Hoodie was just out to retrieve something, or making food, but it'd already been a few minutes since you had woken up, and it wasn't really time to eat either, making this situation an unusual one. Hoodie didn't typically take long to return, if he ever left you at all.

You noticed that next to you was a folded pile of clothes, consisting of a large tank top and smaller sweatpants that could possibly be your size. Next to them was a pack of new panties, likely fresh from the store. You mentally thanked Hoodie for remembering to purchase some for you.

You moved to dress yourself, noting the ache between your thighs and grimacing at the discomfort, as well as your recollection of what had been the cause of the pain. When you stood up from the bed to change, as soon as you placed your second foot on the ground, you felt wetness drip between your legs, eliciting a scowl from you. The liquid was tinted red, and you were able to guess what it was, cursing under your breath as you reached for the box of tissues conveniently placed on the nightstand. You wiped any remaining liquid away from between your legs, before cleaning up what had fallen onto the floor as well.

You put on your panties. As you dressed yourself, you discovered that the sweatpants were indeed your size, however the tank top you were given much too large for you. You could only assume that it was more of Hoodie's clothing. The tank top was white, made of a thin, flimsy fabric that allowed your nipples to be visible through the shirt, poking at the surface of the fabric. You weren't exactly happy about that, but you quickly gave up on caring about it, seeing as both of your captors had already seen you fully nude. You had very little dignity left to preserve.

The door then opened with a creak, and you didn't pay it much mind, fully expecting Hoodie to return, but instead, there stood a figure that you hadn't seen before. He donned a moss green striped sweater with a blue hood, and half his face was obstructed by a mouthguard that he wore. You could see that he had fluffy, hazelnut coloured hair that barely brushed over his eyes, which were a bright amber. Yellow goggles dangled from his neck, and it was then that you noticed that he wasn't very tall. In fact, he was surprisingly short, far shorter than Masky and Hoodie, who both stood close to a head above you. This man—or boy, he seemed like he was your age, maybe a bit younger even—was closer to your height. You two stood at eye level of each other.

He cocked his head to the side, but it didn't feel like the same curious action that Masky often did, because as soon as he did that, he followed it up by shaking his head side to side, his hair flapping around in tune to his movements. He twitched slightly, followed up by cracking his neck.

He quickly scanned the room over before he turned towards you, his eyes creasing in glee at the sight of you. You weren't sure yet how to feel about that. But then he spoke.

"Hey, you're all alone—woo!—" he made a strange sound at the end of the sentence, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion. There had to be something up with this boy, was it a condition of sorts? Perhaps Tourette's? That seemed to be the most probable, although you weren't sure if it was an important factor in the current situation.

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