Chapter Three

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February 22, 2015

Today was awful, Demi had to go and record for her new album coming out and she left me with Wilmer. I really wish I could talk to her, but I cant. I cant talk to her, Wilmer would hurt her. I hate the fact that I'm terrified to talk to my older sister, but it's for a good reason. I really wish I could tell her though. But if I told her she'd be heartbroken and I'm pretty sure Wilmer would hurt her like he hurts me. Today was the worst though. She left around 9 AM and didn't come back until around 4 PM. That left me and Wilmer alone for 7 hours. 7 fucking hours. I'm not going to get into the specifics of what he did but lets just say I can't even walk right now.


I quickly shut my diary and put it in my bag. We were going to Disney and I didn't want to leave it here because Wilmer might find it.

I ran downstairs, trying to hold back my cries of pain, and sat next to Demi. She smiled at me and kissed my forehead and got up, dragging me to her car. She had this huge smile on her face. I wish I could genuinely smile like that.

''Marissa and Nick are waiting for us there."She said smiling as she started the car.

I love Marissa and all, but she could see through my lies and my make up to cover the bruises. She always tries to talk to me about it, but I usually just avoid having a conversation with her. I try to avoid her as much as possible.

And Nick, I love him as well but we all know he's in love with Demi. You can tell by the way he looks at her. Hes so in love with her.

She quickly drove out of the driveway and turned onto the road. I put the radio on, and, of course one of her songs was on. She giggled and raised the volume even louder, if that was possible. I was really happy for her, she was so successful and she was becoming even bigger everyday. She was gaining more followers on Twitter, she was being recognized everywhere. She was making even more money than before, and she always wanted to spend it on me. And every time I would refuse. But, Demi being Demi, didn't listen to me.

Soon enough we were at Disneyland. I put my backpack on and got out of the car. Demi quickly ran towards the entrance and there were Marissa and Nick. They ran towards each other and Demi engulfed Marissa in a hug and Marissa picked her up spinning her around. I felt two arms wrap around my torso and saw Nick smiling down at me. I turned around and hugged him tightly. So this is what it feels like to be safe. I smiled as he lifted me off the ground.

"Wow babygirl you've grown!" He said kissing my head. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

Marissa came over and hugged me tight. She pulled away and gasped running her thumb over my black eye. I chewed my lip and looked down at the ground. I didn't want to deal with this right now.

"I'll leave it alone now but we are talking about it later." she whispered in my ear.

"Oooh Marissa lets go ride this one!" Demi screeched like a little kid and dragged Marissa over to a roller coaster.

Demi dragged Marissa onto all of the rides, me and Nick following closely behind them.

"Can we go on that?" I asked pointing to Space Mountain. Demi nodded quickly and I put my backpack down on a bench and ran towards the line for the ride.

We all got in and it started. I giggled as Nicks face turned white as we did loops and huge drops.

After the ride I ran and put my backpack back on, it felt lighter but I didn't pay any attention to that.

Soon enough, too soon for my liking, it was time to go back home. I said goodbye to Marissa and Nick and followed Demi to her car. She smiled at me and started the car and we drove home. My stomach churned at the thought of going home.

We walked into the house and Wilmer came out and hugged Demi, pecking her lips and he just fakely smiled at me and walked outside with her.

I ran up to my room, locking the door and opened my backpack.

But my journal wasn't there.

My heart stopped.

I checked under my mattress, I ripped apart my backpack, I looked through all of my drawers. But it was no where to be found.


My whole body started trembling and my eyes flooded with tears. How could I be so stupid? Why would I bring it with me? Why couldn't I just hide it in my closet? Or my pillow case? But no. I was stupid and brought it to fucking Disney.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, hoping this all was a dream.

But it wasn't.

It was real, this was reality, my journal was gone.

My journal where I wrote about all my awful secrets was gone. The journal where I talked about every single thing Wilmer did to me was gone.

It was gone.

Someone stole it.

I fell asleep with tears rolling down my face.

Around 3 AM there was a knock on my door. It was Demi, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"P-Please tell me this isn't real. Please."She said holding up her phone.

It was a picture. Of all my journal entries. Every single one of them. All on Twitter. Every single one of them. They were visible for the world. They had my name written all over them. I talked about the horrid things Wilmer did to me.

I'm fucked.

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